January 2022 – (Energy Update & Spiritual Awakening Q&A)

Everyone That Asks Receives

Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For ‘everyone’ who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” I want you to notice that it says ‘everyone’ who asks receives, it doesn’t say some of them receive and some of them don’t; it says ‘everyone’ that asks receives.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 31

HOW we might waste the precious God-given energies we possess! If we are hampered by the ideas of our lower needs – unless those needs are things we ought rightfully to be concerned about – then our more urgent needs of the hour do not prevail over our consciousness. Again, waste.

Why You Don’t Move Forward

Moving forward is a change that brings up much fear for many. It is connected to many different and common fears that most aren’t aware of.

Reclaim These Two Spiritual Treasures

In this life… we are only given two things that are purely our own to use: attention and time. Attention: The ability to give our attention to something in order to realize – through that relationship-some quality or character within ourselves of which we were unaware only the moment before.

Son Light in a Snow Storm

How does a snow storm help us better understand God? During a recent storm in West Virginia, My wife and I came to a better understanding of God in a peculiar way.

The Moment of Enlightenment

You may be wondering what will be really happening at the moment of your enlightenment. As enlightenment is to notice the truths in your daily life, moments of enlightenment will come frequently and quietly in your normal life. So-called “A-ha moments” will be the closest expression of the moment.

The Spirit Who Is With Us In Truth

REFLECTING on a conversation with one I consider the epitome of men, I felt hurried in my responses to his questions as to “how things are.” As a result I offered a mishmash of answers, part truths, due to good intent, were the best of it. Some questions – particularly the answers of which may most betray our truth, and hence our cause, because they are not thought over – require more deliberate consideration.

You Can Still Dream Big, Even If No One Else Thinks So

Is there something or some dream that you want to achieve in this world? Have you ever been so sure of your dream but everyone around you laughs and think that what you are trying to achieve is almost impossible? Well if this is you, this article will help you learn how to overcome other people’s criticism and still go after your God given destiny.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 30

Life in God (and even without our recognition of God’s provision) is the endowment of every good thing. We are given the capacity of survival, of work to care for our families, of ingenuity to creatively solve our problems, and of the very wherewithal to live long – though some lives are inherently shorter than others.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verses 28-29

APPEARANCE is a god of our own making; a symbol of our predilection for approval. We wish to create an impression, and we are not happiest unless we can warp that impression to the best of our favour. We do so in the most unconscious seconds of our lives. And we do so because we are so callously unaware of our lack of completeness. Genuinely, it is only Christ – in the fullness of his perfect glory – who can make us complete, by the grace of the Father who gave him, and by the Presence of the Holy Spirit who indwells us. Yes, God in us!

Spiritual Emergence Versus Religious Emergency

Lots of people are labeling themselves as ‘more spiritual than religious’ these days, causing us to question what this really means. There really is a soul-deepening difference between spiritual and religious — a difference I have terms spiritual emergence versus religious emergency. This article explains the differences, and the impact they have on church cultures today.

A Threefold Theology of Modern Idol Worship

WHAT are the common sources for worship – other than God – in our contemporary culture? Try these: sport, savings, and sex.

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