Simple Ways to Transform Your Health | Sadhguru

Disregarded Evidence for Evolution and Ignored Evidence for Creationism

Exploring the various interpretations of fossils that anthropologists claim have been found in many parts of the world. It tries to clarify some misconceptions about those fossils and where they were found. It analyses some of the interpretations used by theists for the fossils and strata. Some provocative questions are asked and some provocative conclusions are given.

How to Become Psychic – An Exercise in Expanding Awareness and Spiritual Growth

Who else thinks you have to be “gifted” at birth to have extraordinary spiritual experiences? Think that you need to be a professional psychic or medium to tap into the power of precognition or have enhanced intuition? Think again!

Noble Eightfold Path

The Noble Eightfold Path is the guideline of right practice. Buddha created the path based on his own experiences of the right practice. Buddha confidently stated that anyone who seriously respected the path of the right practice would be able to purify consciousness to be fully enlightened, to be able to eliminate sufferings, and to let consciousness become a purified part of the ultimate consciousness.

Why Spiritual Leadership Rejects Righteous Confrontation

Throughout history, power-driven spiritual leadership came not from within the organized body of religion but rather from those who were willing to stand for honor, character and effectual spiritual leadership. Of a truth, a church that follows the fundamentals of Christianity rather than the law of church will reap the benefits of integrity in office, honest dealings with one another, and division in secondary beliefs without division in Christ.

Four Noble Truths

The four noble truths are the logical explanation about the way to eliminate sufferings. Be careful not to confuse between the two universal truths and the four noble truths. The four noble truths will simply explain why and how we can eliminate sufferings in everyday life.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 34a

GOD’S will is satisfied in the satiable delight of humankind that delights in life as it is. There are so many very basic and ordinary things that God provides, as if on-tap, and the majority of the world finds its ease in the society within which it lives. No doubt there are large populaces that face incredible need, but just about everyone reading this will have at least some choice over their living circumstances.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 33 – Part 1 of 2

If our first priority is God, all else will be sorted. If that priority is correctly aligned we will constantly be searching for the things and the substance of God’s kingdom.

A Bible Reading Plan Beyond Typical Bible Reading Plans

DESPONDENCY in this postmodern age is a more frequent response to the question, “So, how are your devotions going?” So many people I’ve asked have not felt comfortable with that question. And the fact is, I think I know why. We have been sold a lie as to ‘what’ constitutes a good Bible reading plan. It is this: read a handful of chapters each day, or read the Bible from cover to cover.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 33 – PART 2 of 2

GOD’S will is that we so fall in love with him, his Word, his Spirit, and his wisdom and righteousness that we would want nothing more than to do his will. Now, the opposite place to this place, above, is where we are so backwashed in a desire of our hearts that doesn’t appear, for that time being at least, to be the will of God. Maybe it’s a relationship outcome we are desperate for.

Giving Up and What Happens After

This is, or should be a deeply personal thing for each of us. The question is do you know what it means and the power it can have?

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 32b

RUNNING from the divine imperative – which is trudging the ancient path of peace – from within and without – we, in our forlorn humanness, are cast in the roles of deserters. We don’t know why we run. We just do.

Angels – Angel Prince of Death and Transition Yehudiah

There are many Angels who are responsible for the Soul’s Journey as the physical body transitions from this life back into Spirit form. The Angel Prince of Death and Transition, Yehudiah, is the Caretaker of Souls, accompanying all during their time of transition.

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