Say YES to Life! | Sadhguru #shorts #sadhguru

Spiritual Tests – Are You Passing Yours?

Are you passing your spiritual tests? We believe everyone frequently has the opportunity to pass spiritual tests, and in the process create a better world and good karma for the future.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 18b

SECRETS are usually more likely to get us in trouble than glorify our faith. But this is our opportunity to ‘impress’ God, who is not otherwise impressed, unless our hearts are temporarily of a holy disposition. The reason we can know this is the cool blessing we receive for having been at joy in secret: to do something of obedience, and for only God to know, there is the experience of blessing! A spiritual blessing, for our reward is an inside job. But it’s not natural to seek after God in order to seek to impress him and not our contemporaries.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verses 17-18a

FULFILLING the Law and the Prophets was Jesus’ call. The Word of God came into the world so religion would no longer be devoid of the heart that eternally underpins the law. The chief priests and Pharisees would achieve the letter of the law – to diligently fast – but they usurped the blessings of God for themselves and, therefore, the missed the point, and they missed out! Theirs was no worship of God, but a worship of their very selves – what an irony.

Catching Messages From Heaven

What we call the “present moment,” including all that appears within it, is actually a timeless Presence; it is not the outcome of the past, or a door to some imagined future. Passing time is just one of the ways in which that which is always present appears; but this movement of time no more defines or confines this Presence than does the rising and setting of the sun change the nature of light.

And Unto Dust You Shall Return

February 18th 2015 Today was Ash Wednesday. It is not just some ritual that says you are Catholic. It is a reminder of our mortality and frailty.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 16

REWARD! We are all motivated by reward. Sometimes that reward is recognition and at other times it’s something more tangible. But we all operate on reward.

Angels – Angel Prince of the East Gauril Ishliha

The Sun rises in the East, bringing with it a sense of renewal, the gift of beginning again. Facing ourselves and what’s in front of us is essential as Ego-chitter chatter attempts to distract and block us on our path to fulfillment. Angel Prince of the East, Gauril Ishliha, is prepared to pave the way clearing obstacles that cause us to question our value and self-worth to do what we came here to do.

Little Girl Lost

We all have our challenges to face in life. I believe it is the challenge that makes us who we are. Who would we be if we didn’t have our challenges, our pitfalls, our mountains to climb?

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 15

JUSTICE IS huge for God. Because the heart is so central in the execution and care of our relationships God takes fundamental charge over how we interact with others.

The Healing Power of the Night Sky

In one of his books he wrote that we must discover listening points in nature where we can be still and listen to and be healed by the rhythms of the universe. This Lake Superior sunset became one of my most significant listening points. In fact I liked it so much that I now include the story in my talks on stress management.

Faith and Unbelief

The human beings live in an “order” that we call the universe. This “order” is a physical structure that can be seen and felt so; there are not any problems in the understanding of the order. The real problem is understanding the creator and organizer of the order because the Creator, organizer and ruler of the order does not resemble the order. He cannot be seen or touched. Faith and Unbelief is in fact the problem of comprehending “the owner of the order”. How must we know our creator? We must know Allah (Swt) as He introduces Himself.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – The Lord’s Prayer – Part 3 of 3

PRAYER will become our lives or the Word of God hasn’t yet become our operating system for life. If God is to dwell in us continually according to his Word, that same Word will overthrow our default inclination to ourselves and the primacy of natural self-willed thinking.

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