Last Full Moon Satsang with Sadhguru | 18th Jan 7 PM IST

A Spiritual Study of Greed

The Black-marketeers who have been recently raided in large scale by the police in Bihar, are almost in all cases rich merchants, millionaires, landlords etc. These people were not needy men but they amassed money and hoarded commodities out of a passion for accumulating wealth not only for their personal enjoyment but also for their enjoyment of their future generation.

Bliss: Spiritual Experiences

First Experience: Soft notes of music drift mildly over green pastures and they tap your heart pleadingly to open and let them in. The sensitive touches of the note struck by the player forces open the door and lets your spirit cry in spasms of joy, leap out and dance with the divine notes in god’s space. You keep aching for it more and more.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verses 33-34

WORDS ARE DANGEROUS. What we say – the promises we make – are perilous at times. A large part of the problem is we only discover this by hindsight much of the time, or we do notice the error in our speaking at the time, but we don’t know how to rectify it. These are just two examples of the hazardous nature of communication. And, of course, we haven’t even catered for misunderstanding in the receipt of communication.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verses 34, 37

Helmut Thielicke (1908-1986) said in his expansive commentary on the Sermon On the Mount, Life Can Begin Again, “Only the person who is under Jesus Christ gains the freedom to be truthful… ” If we pique our awareness to such a degree as to glaze each word that comes from our lips in truth we have some sense of imperfect mastery over what we say and how we say it.

5 Lessons We Can Learn From Nature

The following article examines how the natural world is our greatest teacher. Some of the greatest lessons man has ever learned are derived from observing nature.

What Should Be Your Response To Persecutors? Discover Jesus Christ’s Response To Persecutors

Have you ever wondered what should be your right response to your persecutors? Do you wonder what Christ would do in your position? The good news is that you don’t need to guess the answer, Christ in the scriptures mentioned what your response to persecutors should be. He also lived examples for you to follow. This article aims at helping you discover Christ’s response to persecutors.

Examples of Love Life Happiness From Past Life Suffering

The theory of reincarnation suggests your past life actions create your present love life situations, both the good and the bad. People who don’t like their love lives now might be making up for their actions in the distant past, but not always. Sometimes, even the best intentions in past lives can result in unfortunate experiences in future lives.

Object Lesson – Chewing on God’s Word

God’s Word, unlike Bubble Gum, never loses it flavor. And once we’ve meditated or chewed on it a while, we become more flexible and useful to God. He can stretch us and fill us and use us.

Angels – Angel Prince of Peace Melchezedek

One of the most powerful Angels in all the Angelic realms is Melchezedek. He is known as the angel Prince of Peace, Angel of Wisdom and the Spoken Word. He works closely with Metatron for peaceful solutions for all who ask.

Lost Sceince of Prayer

The Lost Science of Prayer was given to me during a near death experience. Jesus appeared and began to teach me the Laws of God and how to pray so that my prayer would have life and manifest.

Feel – Think – Act

Recently, I was interviewed for Awaken Radio. We talked about many things, including how to receive messages from your angels, and how you work with the four spiritual gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling. But, when I mentioned in passing about Feel – Think – Act; the host stopped in her tracks.

My 5 Top Mindset Tips for the New Year

1. Believe you can achieve your goals. Self-belief is everything.

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