DO THIS DAILY To Turn Your Dreams Into A REALITY

How Understanding the Fullness of Grace Relates to Salvation

Understanding the fullness of grace is key to understanding the full message of salvation. A balanced and knowledgeable perspective on these two topics prevents legalism and liberalism. The bottom line is this–each of us needs a deeper conversion experience and this article seeks to start you off on that journey.

Good News, You’re Not Broken!

What if you weren’t broken? What if you were perfect and simply needed to let go of what is not essentially you? What do your unique imaginal cells hold?

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 20

THE HEART is central to the matter of our eternal destiny. We cannot say we are godly and lovers of God if love hasn’t penetrated our hearts.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 21

MURDEROUS HEARTS! Not me! We would never have ourselves scandalised like that – for anyone to say we are gluttons for assailing people would get an abhorrent response. Yet, as we are about to find out, we each have a delirious penchant for ending people’s lives. We wish to bring them harm. And, if nothing else, it’s a case of that uncontrollable part of our human psyche getting the better of us.

Your Soul Doesn’t Need Saving, But Your Mind Probably Does!

Your soul doesn’t need to be saved. Find out why that is, and why it is more important to be aware of what your mind is doing. The article offers a few steps to get your mind in shape.

How Do We Find God?

In pursuit of a purpose driven life we look for answers that make our pursuit relevant and worth seeking. If you are driven you will search every avenue to get your answers. What knowledge you decide to lean on influences your perception of what and why you were given the blessings of life. Mathews 6:32-34 “For the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” If you truly want to live a purpose driven life you will seek out who decided what your purpose would be and why. The answers are closer than you think.

Understanding Your Strengths Through Spiritual Guidance

This article is about connecting with your inner self through spirituality. Understanding your Strengths through Spiritual Guidance demonstrates how connection to spirituality can reveal your greatest strengths and abilities.

Ho’oponopono Revealed

Ho’oponopono (Ho Oh Pono Pono) roughly translated as “to make right”, “to correct”, is an ancient transformational and healing technique originating in Hawaii. Its simple message of 100% responsibility, repentance, and gratitude has been changing the lives of all it touches; This article is the first in a series and introduces the reader to the Ho’oponopono Process.

Saturn Occult Symbolism and How It Affects You

Whether it’s with Saturn symbolism or others, we see them in cities, churches, the entertainments industry, as corporate logos, artworks… everywhere we’re bombarded with these occult symbols. The statistics are way too high for these few symbols to keep recurring by chance. For example, corporate logos frequently use Saturn symbolism on products that have nothing to do with the occult!

Sacred Angel Realms – Angel Prince of the Presence Archangel Metatron

The foremost Angel of Mankind is Metatron. He is only one two Angels who were, at one time, human and were ascended and ultimately transcended physical form into Angels of the highest-order.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 14

To be that light on the hill – a shimmering city, alight all dark night long – we must arrest our spiritual indolence. One day at a time we are to climb with desperation into the Presence of the Lord, urgently seeking to know his will, clinging to him for the power to carry it out.

The Apocryphal Life

How prayer works, I cannot be certain. But I am certain that it does work, and I have an idea how. In this article I will go into it.

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