Is Your Awakening Taking Too Long? | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Tips for Drawing Closer to God in the New Year

I was chatting on Facebook with a friend from high school who shared with me that they had a distant feeling with the Lord. I reminded them that the Christian walk is a one-day-at-a-time walk and we grow day-by-day. I also reminded them that we were approaching a new year and what better time than the present to draw closer to God. Maybe you’re not satisfied with your walk, either. In truth, none of us really are. Until we see God face to face, our walk won’t be 100%. However, we should continue to improve our walk day-by-day. So, following are a few things you can implement that will improve your walk:

Mature Person (1)

When a person becomes a real Muslim by being surrendered and subject to Allah (swt), he begins acting in accordance with the will of Allah (swt). Therefore, even the wishes seem to be emerging from him are in fact the wishes of Allah (swt). And also a mature person perceives everything with the light of Allah that He granted him by divine training. Person must escape from the meaning blind and learn to perceive everything with the light of Islam while he is in the world. It is related to refinement of the nafs and purifying the heart.

Family Constellations

Unconscious limits to success often stem initially from the unresolved and many times unspoken traumas, tragedies and transgressions that weave themselves into the energy, “fabric” and conversations of our family. Family Constellations is a therapeutic method to help detox from family pain and/or drama.

The Listening Power

We all have a story. And we tell our story through language. To quote Heidegger, “language is the house of being.” We live and create and express in language. Every invention, every relationship, every revolution, every society, everything revolves around our capacity to speak it into existence. But the capacity to listen, is equally as powerful.

The Missed Miracle

Miracles are happening all around us, all the time. The question is, do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 12

PERSECUTION has a strong sense of suffering about it; intentional bullying, maltreatment, and harassment are implied. We have all been persecuted in some way, but some people – for reasons of colour or gender or religious stance, etc. – are particularly systematically targeted. The Jews of Jesus’ time were regularly subject to racial and religious persecution.

Spiritual Expansion: Dark Night of the Soul: Is It One and Done?

Many of us, at one time or another, have gone through a Dark Night of the Soul. It occurred to me… or maybe it came to me through one of my many Angel Guides… that there is a huge misconception about going through a Dark Night of the Soul once and you’re done.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 11

PURPOSE is the meaning of life; there is no meaning without a purpose. With a purpose anything may be endured. But without purpose nothing is reasonably achieved or even bearable.

Satan’s Greatest Temptation

Satan’s greatest temptation is to try and get us to question our identity. Satan came at Adam with that and he came at Jesus with it too.

What Is Your URGENT Dream Today?

It is now approximately 52 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s famous I Have A Dream speech in Washington, D.C.

A New Personality in the Fifth Dimension

The most important feature of personality is the free will. A person with a personality of fourth dimension conflicts with many people on some occasions with his will because the wishes that a person sets out for his nafs are generally composed of the things others don’t want for their nafs. But the mature person in the fifth dimension doesn’t have such “ego” problems because he gave up his will voluntarily and became subject to Allah’s will. His nafs is now purified from human attributes most of which are composed of animal and instinctive desires and reshaped with morality that Allah (swt) ordered by passing through Allah’s training.

Object Lesson – Stretched by God

There is going to be a tug-of-war in our spiritual life because God is always in the process of transforming us. Change causes tension and we are stretched. This week’s lesson uses rubber bands for games and as an object lesson on the topic of being stretched by God.

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