I Would Like to Share My Near Death Experience
During my near-death experience (NDE), it felt as if I were connected to the entire universe and everything contained within it; and it seemed that the cosmos was alive, dynamic, and conscious. I found that every thought, emotion, or action I made while expressing through the physical body had an effect on the Whole. In fact, in that realm of Oneness, it felt as though the whole universe were an extension of me. This realization has, of course, dramatically changed the way I view things. We’re all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our emotions, thoughts, and actions.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 4GRIEF really is where life starts. At the end is the start, not the other way around.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verses 1-2SITTING DOWN, reclining, being with Jesus; imagine it. Close your eyes and imagine it. Imagine with your senses what it might be like seeing, hearing, and being taught by Jesus himself.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 3THE BEATITUDES (Matthew 5:3-12) are Jesus’ high-impact proverbs that get his Sermon rolling at full speed right from the start. How the original hearers must have been both encouraged and confused at the same time! Much as we might be.
The Mystery of the CrossWe need to come to a point where every time we preach the word of God, whether for 5 minutes or 5 hours, we will not finish talking until we have brought men to the point of Calvary. If we give faulty gospel to men, we will raise faulty combats. And because they are faulty foundation, 20 years in church will not make them any different. Intellectualism only obscures the cross to the detriment of the hearers. The preaching of the cross is the point at which authentic power is released in to the life of people; whereas, the devil tries to paint the cross as if it is a problem. Like if someone has a difficult marriage, he wants to settle with his wife and it is proving unsolvable; when we want to counsel the person sometimes we say “that is the cross you have to carry or your wife is your cross”. That is a wrong impression of the cross. The cross is not a problematic marriage. The cross, even though there was a lot of suffering with Jesus, it is not the suffering that is the essence of the cross.
Catholic Spirituality: Realizing the Beauty of Sacramental MarriageLiving our vocation is an integral part of Catholic spirituality. For those called to the vocation of marriage, knowing how the Sacrament of Marriage is different from “natural marriage” is a key part of fully embracing our vocation. It also reveals to us the full meaning and beauty of Christian marriage.
You Deserve to Live Even After You DieAfter you die will there be proof that you existed? When you die you don’t have to take your gifts and dreams with you. Right now you have an amazing opportunity to leave an impactful legacy. This can not only benefit others after you are gone, but it can help you lead a more meaningful and purposeful life while you are here.
Archangels Infuse Your Body, Mind and Spirit With Loving Healing EnergySometimes an Energy Wall can be so intense; it causes or triggers an even deeper Spiritual chasm, a Dark Night of the Soul. If you will allow, Archangels will hold your hand, heal your heart and clear your path.
Much Is Lost When Not Praying the Rosary to Our Holy MotherDuring our lifetime there are moments when you question yourself and your life path. Searching for assistance and guidance, I was directed toward spiritualism. There I found the guidance I was looking for. To my surprise it was not physical but a prayer called the rosary. This article contains what I have found out on my own regarding the daily rosary prayers that I have prayed over the last four months.
Embracing the Spiritual, Getting to WhySometimes when you write an article or blog and mention the word, Tao, or name Bhudda or Jesus Christ (especially Jesus Christ), you find hackles rising even in well-meaning people who generally like what you say. This is understandable in that the source of their discomfort is usually pretty clear: namely, by talking about such people or ideas you are evangelising for a religion and that’s bad manners at least and in any case a no-no. This is such a shame because that is so not what one is doing. It is important to understand the difference between religion (which is for some but not all) and spirituality (which properly understood concerns everybody). But having made this initial distinction I must also point out that of course they are clearly allied in some way. First things first, however: religion is a discipline, a way, a choice and a membership: you join a religion and embrace its tenets, which you hold to be the core of your life. Inevitably you fail to live up to the tenets because that is why religions exist; there would be no need for them if people were perfect.
The Wholeness of EmptinessThis is a journal entry from 2007. My spiritual search had just begun. In this entry I express a longing for more fulfillment.
Living That MattersBecause God created and designed the universe, only He decides how it works.He gave us an owner’s manual,the Bible to teach us that design. The only living that really matters is living by God’s Design.