How to Enhance Your Focus | Sadhguru

This Highly Dangerous Day and the Great Need for Prayer in the Church of Jesus Christ!

I have just been reminded through reading about Mary Queen of Scots how she feared the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe. This I am writing on the most dangerous day of the year and if you read this later than today I simply intimate that it is the last day of October and that is a day when people open themselves to the possibility of experiences they may regret at some subsequent time. It was on the last day of October that Martin Luther pinned his 95 theses to the Cathedral door At Wittenberg in Germany. These were topics for discussion but it encouraged and motivated and inspired what has become known as the Reformation. Might this be another reason why the enemy of Almighty God seeks to divert and sidetrack us on this day and even use his poison to blind us to Jesus Christ and Christ’s mercy and grace and compassion and love and anointing power?

The Human Problem

I believe that the Earth is a good place and that we are all blessed to live a fruitful life. However looking around the world you would also agree that many of us are not reaping from the blessings of the Universe. We succumb to diseases easily, poverty stares us in the face daily, families breakdown with suffering children, addiction has taken over our sanity, Crime is constantly on the rise, war is no longer a measure of last resort and we are hopeless. Now the question is what went wrong? Please join me and let us look at some of the answers to our problems.

Do You Really Trust God?

God has been directing my focus toward trust for a couple of years now. At first I didn’t understand what He meant since I knew I already trusted the Lord. What a laugh God must have over us at times… or is He more moved with tears at our deceptions? The more the word trust would jump out at me the more I sought the Lord for revelation and He gave it.

The Ten Success Secrets Of Jesus Christ On Earth

Have you ever considered how Jesus succeeded on earth to the point that His words and acts are still being celebrated, and His followers are increasing tremendously by the hour? Jesus came on a mission and He finished within a short but good record time. What could have been His success secrets? This article gives the secrets of Jesus’ success on earth.

Physical and Mental Automation, Spiritual Affinities

The actions that are repeated transform into habits first and then they become passions and addictions. The memories, thoughts, and dreams repeated mentally become delusions and obsessions. However, habits and delusions are normal psychological phenomenon, obsessions and passions are psychological illnesses. If Allah is remembered very much, a “spiritual closeness” is formed in the heart. It turns into a “spiritual passion” after a while. This divine passion for Allah clears off all the other psychological obsessions, passions, or addictions from heart.

Reincarnation Overturns Heaven and Hell Myths

Heaven and hell are weapons of power and control by religious bodies and their cohorts. My reincarnation proved that neither place exists and the Roman Catholic Church outlawed discussions on the subject in the 5th CAD.

Age With Grace!

As most of us age the things that we notice are the wrinkles, sagging skin, and pain! The sore joints, sore back, knees, etc. And how gravity is taking it’s toll on our body.

15 Descriptions of What Faith Is

What is faith? Here are fifteen ideas.

Agape Is Action

Love is a ‘being’ word before it is a ‘doing’ word. A ‘being’ word is still a verb, but a state rather than an action. States are created through chronic ‘focus’-which is a ‘doing’ verb. I think much of the conflict around faith comes from the confusion with these terms. It often seems people think I’m doing nothing when I’m standing on what I believe. Quite the contrary!!

What You Need to Know About the Biblical End Times

This article is going to start out with a seemingly silly question: In every version of the holy books, even the “unofficial versions” with added scriptures, who wins at the end of those books and bibles? Yes, if I am going to write an article like this, this question had to be asked in some form however silly seeming and obviously relativistic.

Perhaps Diversity Is Merely an Opportunity for Faith – Story of a Woman Healed of an Issue of Blood

When the woman touched his garment she first had to reach out and then her faith, or belief in the healing presence Jesus emanated from his inner being made a permanent connection and became part of her life experience. This is what faith can do for you in your life experience. You too can touch the hem of his garment.

Spiritual Healing Takes Faith – The Story of the Jairus and His Dying Daughter

What is faith? Often in our life we are given opportunities to exercise our faith in something. Faith can be defined as believing in something before you see it physically. Faith then can be the evidence of something hoped for but not yet seen. Lets take a minute and look at how having faith can be important in your life.

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