Sadhguru Invites You to Mahashivratri 2022!

The Hidden Quality That Determines the Success of Your Love Life

The most overlooked quality that makes or breaks your love life is not bad luck, but personal timing. We’re not referring to trying to time the beginning of a relationship for success, such as planning a wedding on the day of a New Moon. Our findings tell us that other forces, such as an individual’s fate, trump such triviality.

Christian ‘Greatness,’ Having Suffered

TITLES OF ARTICLES don’t come naturally to me, and the title of this one – with the word ‘greatness’ included – doesn’t sit entirely comfortably, but the Holy Spirit confirms it in my heart; it is the one who has suffered, the one who has been a wounded soul, who is great in the kingdom of heaven. As those who are last come first, so this polar reversal extends to those who have endured significant pain. They are blessed because they have been, what the world would call, cursed. They become well-rounded, ‘great’ Christians.

I Am, Myself and Me

Me is my sub-conscious id, my ego is my conscious sense of self & I am my super-conscious Soul. This is the supra-conscious entity that is me, myself & I.

Basic Bible Doctrine – Who Is Jesus?

The Bible has many verses that answer the question “Who is Jesus?” One of the most succinct is Mark 1:1 – “The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”

When Faith Grows, So Comes the Blessing of Obedience

Grasping wisdom is like mining for precious metals like gold or silver (Job 28). There is found more material for wealth the deeper we go. Perhaps the best of finds is made long into the night as perseverance plunges willingly notwithstanding the sweat, the dust, and the grime.

Life and Day, Darkness and Death

Though a new day may bring in a new sunshine, no two days are identical. Every day begins at a different plane, a transcendental point, unlike the past day. As the sun burns itself to advanced age, and as people get older too, every upcoming day brings in a less bright sunshine in our lives. When our sun dies, total darkness shall overpower the earth. Out of the supernova, a new sun shall be born, and the cycle of existence continues for eternity.

Reverse Engineering From A Spiritual Standpoint

The universe and everything in it is better engineered than anything any individual mind can make or create. Think specifically about one factor that is or can be better than any factor, such as visualization or mental television and video.

Bible Reading Tips – How To Cultivate The Habit of Daily Bible Reading (5 Things To Do Now)

Looking for some tips on how to cultivate the habit of daily Bible reading? Here’s 5 surefire ways to increase your love for God and His Word.

Galatians 2 – Empowered for Ministry

We have the same opportunities, struggles, and doubts. We tend to listen to and believe those who disdain us over those who are better positioned and qualified to judge. We, like Paul, can be so overwhelmed by discouragement and fear.

Galatians 2 – Freedom In Christ Jesus

DEBATING THE PROS AND CONS of a life wedded to Christ – me or you, a microcosm of the Church – can seem pointless and fruitless in battle with an atheist. They cannot know the light of life that we have experienced, and God has made it so that we cannot explain what we have experienced. Convincing people takes more than words, yet words and actions – an observation of both – are at the start of Gospel belief when the door of the heart is ajar.

Abiding in the True Vine

“Abiding doesn’t measure how much you know about your faith or your Bible. In abiding you seek, long for, thirst for, wait for, see, know, love, hear, and respond to… a person.

Yah Knows No One Could Ever Keep All His Laws – I Just Do The Best I Can, Cause I Love Him

Is the above title statement Scriptural? Is it true that The Father and The Son accept this: “I do the best I can” arrangement? Are they happy to turn a blind eye whilst we do our best and fail miserably most of the time whilst endeavouring to OBEY THE LAW? Is that what being Born of God (Born Again) means? Where does Grace fit into this scenario and what a lot of questions?

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