Step Into Your Divine Purpose and Be a Positive Change in the World
You were designed with purpose, and for a purpose. And when you step into your divine purpose that can not only impact your life, but also the lives of others as the world. If you feel like something is missing in your life, then maybe it is time for a divine purpose check.
Through Many Traditions High Spiritual Vibration Is ReinforcedHuman Beings from the beginning of the idea of separation has been looking for ways to get back to the complete being that Humanity once was. The truth is, we are already complete, we do not have to search for our Creator or get back to anything because we are One with our Creator.
Enlightenment – Work or No WorkMillions of “spiritual” people, Thousands of ancient texts, Hundreds of teachers; they all tell you that getting enlightened is WORK. But is it?
Three Keys to Accelerating Your Spiritual GrowthAs souls we all have unlimited potential to experience as much joy, happiness and fulfillment as we want. We come to planet earth because it’s a good opportunity to strengthen our ability to do this. You can think of planet earth as a school where we are practising maintaining our true feelings of love, joy and fulfillment.
This Writer Arose From the Depths of Despair to Become Spiritually Concerned for OthersOver the years I have been in the habit of reading at least three passages of Scripture each morning and I seek to do it first thing each morning. Then, after prayer, I go for a run or more of a jog or walk now, or go out and do good thirty five minute exercise workout outside where nobody can see me, and it is not that I would want to hide but it just happen to be where we stay. It is good to have such a God to Whom we can come in prayer. God does not want us to have a short fuse. He doesn’t want us to explode suddenly. A fiery temper is not part of the fruit of the Spirit. Losing your temper is not a demonstration of the Love of God.
Do You Qualify To Get Wealth?You might be wondering what I meant when I asked; do you qualify to get wealth. Well I will explain it; first the wealth that God gives us is different from the wealth that is gotten by self effect. Self effect wealth can wither away, it can be lost by bad investments, bankruptcy and inflation but the wealth that God will give us will not wither away. It will last for us as well as for our children. However, we must qualify for it in order to get it.
God’s Ministry, Our Integrity, Others’ DignityEVEN though we call it ‘our ministry’ or ‘my ministry’ or ‘your ministry’ it isn’t quite correct. It is God’s ministry that he does in others; we are just simply blessed to be sought to do that work that brings people in connection with the living God of their creation.
From Darkness to Light and From Sadness to Joy – Does Anyone Out There Need to Make That Journey?From darkness to light and from sadness to joy – how many are there out there who would so like to make that journey? Come with me and see how this man made that compelling journey. I have been so surprised over these past years to learn that so many people do not like themselves, and I have even heard it in Christian circles. When people undergo certain experiences, and when God reveals themselves to themselves, they do not like what they see and observe, and even how they react. Jesus teaches us to love our neighbour as ourselves, and come to terms with how God created us, and how He has redeemed us and transformed us and how He continues to change and transform us.
Are Guardian Angels Real? 3 Spiritual Experiences That Will Change Your MindAre guardian angels a real thing? Do spirit guides exist? If angels and guides and personal protectors are really genuine, what stops us from hearing, seeing or feeling them all of the time?
How Professional Spiritual Retreats Can Help DoctorsDoctors have one of the toughest jobs in the world which is full of physical and emotional stresses. They will really benefit from professional spiritual retreats that will help them relax and get back to work with renewed vigor.
Service Industry Folks – How to Protect Yourself From Your Customer’s EnergyAre you an empathic person? Do you pick up the energies and emotions from the people around you? It’s important to make sure you always know whose energy you are feeling. Are you sad or happy? If you can’t identify exactly what has made you sad or happy, it could be that you have picked up the experiences and emotions of someone else.
The Will of God for Healing, Peace and LoveWHOLLY good is the will of God. That is a short statement that makes so much sense, in fact, that it might not need even to be mentioned. But we hardly think how good the will of God is. We don’t think on it enough. If we did think on it enough we would be more inclined to do that which is good; good for us and good for God. Because we serve God, who, by his character is entirely good, we can trust God to deliver upon us every field of goodness, notwithstanding the paths of trepidation God has us on in the meantime.