#SaveSoil: Why Now? | Sadhguru


What Is Spiritual Well Being?

What is spiritual well being? Does it really mean anything? Is it important at all for overall well being? If we look at our lives, one way of looking at our well being is by looking at the different aspects of it.

Expanding Ones Consciousness Beyond Religion and Atheism

Consciousness expands beyond the limits of time and space, and so beyond religion and non-religion. In a timeless dimension moving forward does not require you to leave something else behind. The consciousness expands in all directions and builds on itself.

Opening Your Mind To Expand Your Spiritual Awareness

I tend to find that people who actively seek a more spiritual approach to life have certain things in common. They are often more tolerant, open minded, and accepting of life’s twists and turns. They appear less stressed and generally happier. How do they do that? Opening your mind to expand your awareness is one aspect of developing the more spiritual side of yourself.

Open Your Heart To Expand Your Spiritual Awareness

If you would like to have a larger purpose, have a more spiritual outlook or see more meaning in life’s events, you need to work on expanding your awareness. The first step is to open your mind, and the second is to open your heart. Opening your heart is what I will be looking at in this article.

Living With the End in Mind

The end is near! It is near when we think of eternity or how fast the last 10 years past. Christian we are expected to live with the end in mind. The thief may come to take us at anytime. The end will come, normally unexpectedly. Are you ready to meet Jesus?

Who Do You Think You Are? You Create Your Life!

This is the final article in an extended series on Spiritual Awakening. You are not your thoughts and you, and you alone, create your reality. Learn how to create a reality of joy, abundance and health.

Awareness of Spirit – Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Learn more about the signs of a spiritual awakening and how to bring more consciousness and awareness into your life. Treat your mind, body and soul with respect and love. Release the mental and emotional clutter. Learn what it means to awaken.

Enlightenment and the Law of Attraction – Part 3 in the Series on Spiritual Awakening

We create our own realities. Would you like to learn more about being divinely guided? The Law of Attraction works perfectly every time. Would you like to learn how to become more present and conscious. Learn about these issues and where to connect with other like-minded souls.

What Is Spiritual Awakening? You’re Not Going Crazy – You’re Waking Up!

This is Part 2 in a series of articles on Spiritual Awakening. Part 2 discusses what a spiritual awakening is and what to expect. If you’re feeling as though you’re ‘losing it’ and going crazy or losing your memory, you’re likely experiencing symptoms of a spiritual awakening. Read the article to learn more.

What on Earth Is Going On? A Spiritual Awakening and a Transformational Shift in Consciousness

This article is the first in a series on Spiritual Awakening. We are going through a time of tremendous transformation and evolution – never before experienced on Earth. Learn about the symptoms, the effects and how you can awaken to your true self.

The Human Ego and Its Attempts To Rule The Universe

The human race is an evolving experiment, one of probably an infinite number of experiments that Consciousness has set up and is still setting up. The free will given to the physical human that we see in our everyday world is partial; we have free will within a certain corridor of possibilities, but we can’t break through the walls. We agreed to this in advance.

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening – Learn Why You’re Feeling So Off-Balance

Learn about some of the symptoms of spiritual awakening that you’re probably experiencing. Do you have mysterious aches and pains? Are you sleep patterns changing? Do you feel more emotional or sad than usual? Have you lost your passion for life? Read on to find out what’s going on.

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