How Earth’s Expansion Affects Humans
In addition to all the physical changes on Earth during this current expansion, people are experiencing an increase in energetic sensitivity; chakras are opening up and psychic and spiritual gifts are coming forth. Learn about more of the changes we are witnessing.
Some Interesting Things About Life, Things You May Need to KnowLife can seem an interesting journey, your early years are spent learning and studying. You will start discovering the talents and abilities to gain income to sustain you in life. Many times the question may appear, why am I here and what is my purpose? So how can you find the true meaning of your life? And what are the things that you need to know to guide you along the path?
144 The Christ VibrationThe number 144 is the number of completion as well as the number of the Christ Vibration. We are moving into a new energy and creating a new world. In this new world we will all be whole and complete within our selves. We each will return to the purity of our Divine Essence, which is the Christ. Each will Activate their Sacred Seals and as they do so they will live their Divine Love through the words they speak and the actions they take.
What Position Should A Woman Of God Take In Order To Continue To See Good Days?Who is a woman of God and what is her rightful position? Women of God are responsible for an enviable position in God’s kingdom, of which they will give account of later to God. You will see good days when you obey God’s command. This article tells you the right position to take to see and enjoy good days in future.
For Adults Only – The ShiftMany people talk about changes occurring in late 2012. Call it a celestial speed-up, a shift in mass consciousness, awakening, or evolution in consciousness, but don’t get too excited about it yet. If it is happening now, it’s for adults only.
Intuition’s Creative CallYour intuition calls you when it’s time to create something for yourself or others. Be ready to answer the call, and eight intuitive senses will guide you during your creative journey.
Where Do We Go When We Die?We blend into the ether: by that, I mean we go back to our nature. If we are made by the five elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Life Force – we become the unmanifest Spiritual form of these.
This Is A Day for Spiritual Men and Women to Stand Strong Against a Fierce Foe!Could you imagine any public building being opened today with such words indelibly engraved? Above a statue of the sower, representing the root meaning of broadcasting, is written this inscription. “To Almighty God, this shrine of the arts, music and literature, is dedicated by the first Governors, in the year of our Lord 1931, John Reith being Director General. It is their prayer that good seed sown will produce a good harvest, that everything offensive to decency, and hostile to peace, will be expelled, and that the nation will incline its ear to those things which are lovely, pure, and of good report, and thus pursue the path of wisdom and virtue.” These enlightening encouraging words can be seen in the original BBC Broadcasting House. The concluding phrases flow from Philippians Chapter four in the New Testament. These men had a worthy vision. They aimed high.
How to Trust God Completely Part 3The Atheist and the Agnostic are looking at a spiritual issue from the perspective of physical existence, limited existence; wanting proof that can only come through personal spiritual experience. Then turning around and refusing to act upon it as the bible says to do to gain the proof, saying it cannot exist because they cannot see it. It’s the Atheist way of avoiding the facts that prove them wrong!
Why Creation?There is still the big unanswered question that has always begged an answer. Why creation and why were we created against our will? Why did He do it? Was the creation of the cosmos an accident?
Listening To The Right VoiceFor me, every day is filled with voices. There are the sweet voices of my children, the warm voice of my husband and even the near-silent voice of our gecko.
Do We Recognize God’s Blessings?We often think of the circumstances in our lives as rewards and punishments for how well we stay in line with what God wants us to do. However, that is not necessarily true. While there are consequences for our actions (both good and bad), our lives are not a direct reflection of our…