Forging Spiritual Progress
Although many hate the term, it’s doubtful there’s a better phrase promoting spiritual progress toward our soul’s equilibrium than ‘congruence’; meaning, being at one with the fullness of our experience of life. This is the halcyon state where glory makes its home in us, via the Holy Spirit, and there the attachment is made to heaven, in a ‘now’ sort of way.
A Camp Dog Named MonaSpiritual clarity can come from anywhere at any time. A woman strikes out into the unknown and meets a four legged friend who shows her the gift of inner quiet, and the sweet memories that are part of growing old.
Three Reasons Why Christians Should Attend Church ServicesSure, you’ve been attending church ever since you were a little kid. But now that you’re all grown-up, you’re starting to ask why exactly people go there in the first place.
Achieving Union With the Eternal FatherGod the Father wants us to pray formally and speak colloquially with Him on a regular (daily) basis; sharing all our joys, sorrows, hopes, needs, and desires with Him, so that He can truly be and act as Father in the earthly course of our lives. However, many of us seem to experience difficulty in either communicating or communicating effectively with our Father, especially in relation to developing intimacy with Him in the manner He so deeply desires. Such difficulty generally arises out of fear and lack of knowledge about both Who and how our Father really is, when in relationship with us. The fear arises from our stereotypical, albeit highly incorrect, image of our Heavenly Father as a punitive and vengeful God, whereas the lack of knowledge arises from both our historical and current neglect in engaging with our Father, in the true child-Father relationship.
Is God Calling You to Be a Priest? Tearing Down the You Can Date and Discern at the Same Time MythAre you dating while you discern if God is calling you to be a priest? What you don’t know could hurt you. Discover the truth about discerning God’s will for your life.
Balancing Life Between Yourself and OthersHave you ever taken a look at your life and realized that you could be much more loving? Here is a some simple guides to help you be less selfish and more loving.
Christian and Jewish Relationships With GodDo Jews need the “Christian” message of “salvation”? What is the relationship of the Jewish people to God?
Walking With God – Key To Spiritual DiscoveryWalking together with a person in anything requires agreement, understanding, respect, and willingness that is free of pressure. Walking with God demands a free will and is absolutely a personal choice with a weight of commitment. Awesome spiritual discoveries await a person who has chosen the process of this divine undertaking. The attitude towards the word of God determines the magnitude of the pay off.
The New NarcissistA current Time Magazine article would have us believe that living solo is the best way to go. After all you get to do what you want to do when you want to do it. That may be a seductive philosophy but I submit it is ultimately the enemy of our growth as human beings. We are created to love one another, to take care of our brothers and sisters (and children,) not to live in isolation from them while we focus on our own self-realization.
Christian Life Vis-A-Vis The Surrounding CultureChristians tend to be ambiguous in their attitude towards the surrounding culture. Either they isolate themselves as a group or they get lost in the crowd. The Bible however has good advice and enables us both to survive as a church and at the same time to be the light and salt of the world.
Have a Little FaithFaith is one of the keys to living a life filled with peace and joy. Being connected spiritually will help you to have faith, which is believing in that which is unseen. Quantum physics explains that all possibilities exist in the quantum field (otherwise known as the future to us). Our thoughts are charged with a certain frequency which will attract the outcome that has the strongest charge to it. If you know that everything is possible and that you have the power to create the outcome you desire, you suddenly become much more aware of your thoughts and what you want to bring into your life!
Emotional Success With Second Chakra HealingWorking with the chakras can seem like a mysterious task. As the mystical information to unlock this area becomes more accessible in the West, however, there are some simple things we can do to create a more balanced emotional life. The second chakra holds the key to some of the most fundamental areas that can help create a feeling of completeness. Working with some simple techniques it’s possible to create a healthy and happy attitude towards life, relationships and emotional success.