Dr. Mohammad Shtayyeh, Prime Minister of the State of Palestine, & Sadhguru On #SaveSoil

Psychokinesis: How to Develop Your Inner Power

Psychokinesis, more commonly referred to as telekinesis, has been documented since ancient times. It is defined as the process of mind over matter, and is derived from the Greek words ‘psyche,’ which means life, soul, and breath, and ‘kinein,’ which means to move.

Taking the Road Less Travelled – Finding Your Life’s Purpose

The renowned poet Robert Frost said so eloquently that he took the road less traveled and it made all the difference. This is one of the most well-known and eloquently expressed positions on how to find your life purpose.

Find Your Purpose in Life

Why are you here? What are you meant to be doing? What is the purpose of your life? These are questions we have all asked ourselves at one point or another.

The Galactic Federation and Recent Disappointments

I read a channeled update from The Galactic Federation that seemed very authentic to me, yet the list owner who compiles the newsletter warned readers to read the update with “much discernment.” This just goes to show that there is not a whole lot of agreement in the spiritual community as to how the changes in consciousness and in the world will actually come about. Some people still believe in a lot more physical intervention from beings outside this planet than others. But recent disappointments are causing people to change their viewpoints.

30 Random Acts of Kindness

There is a guy here in the UK who published an advertisement in a national newspaper as it turns out, exactly 10 years ago. It simply said, “Join Me”.

Beta Spirituality

Brainwave activity is measured in several streams and, for the purposes of present discussion, especially by alpha and beta waves. Alpha waves register when our minds are on autopilot; beta thinking, on the other hand, occurs when we’re focused on a task to the exclusion of all distractions. Beta spirituality, likewise, fits the Francois Fenelon tag. There is intentionality about it.

Sickness and Salvation

Salvation comes to many with compassionate words of love and the sincerity of words but with others it may take fear, fear of Hell fire and eternal separation from God. We see in scripture that we are to use both to convert the lost, not hating them but loving them enough to use whatever means necessary to show them that without Jesus there is no salvation from the world to come.

How to Identify Your Life Purpose

Today I heard of a Scottish couple who have won £162 million ($262 million) in the largest cash jackpot ever won in Europe. It reminded me of an exercise I often set for people who attend my workshops.

For God So Loved The World That He Gave It His Only Son

Meditating over what the Father gave in order to save each one of us is compensation, more than enough, for the present trials we endure. We truly have no sensible understanding of how good a fact it is to be reborn in the Spirit. 50,000 days continual meditation over such a fact could not diminish it.

Spiritual Expansion – What Is The Difference Between Past Life Regression and Soul Restoration?

Choosing to incarnate into physical form presents challenges the moment you or your Soul Essence descends from the Realm of Spirit into dense physical matter, into human form. Soul Restoration is only concerned with the present, this current lifetime.

Gradual Self Improvement and Spiritual Growth

Media and advertising have accustomed people to believe that change can happen quickly for everyone. People experience constant stimuli which convince them that pills, medicines, CDs, contraptions and other devices can radically change their life in a matter of days or weeks. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most. No weight loss transformation is ever fully achieved in a week’s time, no profession taught in a month, and no spiritual change made overnight.

God’s Love – To Woo and Win Us

How do we describe the never failing nature of God’s love? There is a beautiful word picture presented herein; one that is quite rarely known in human love terms – when a woman surrounds and “protects” a man and the loveliest of seductions occurs. In the literal context, above, this act of passionate love on behalf of the woman is in response to the wooing of the man – whatever he has done, he has won her.

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