The Beauty of Effortless, Concise Prayer
The Lord Jesus counselled us to pray with reverent brevity. He says, “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases…” (Matthew 6:7a)… Prayer is divine privilege. It is communication direct with God. We don’t cheapen it by our own efforts; by the sound of our own knowledge-scented words or by pretence of emotion. We pray in the effortlessness of the Spirit. Then, our prayers are beautiful.
Prayerfully Converting Weakness Into StrengthWhen we understand that vulnerability creates intimacy through prayer, we turn our failures, feelings, frustrations, and fears into formidable capability, because of the strength of God. As we prayerfully convert weakness into strength, we use and therefore see God’s power at work. We can readily thank God, like Jonah did, and see once again the enormous value of prayer for the abundant life.
What Now?We have just come out of the 11-11-11 energies. This was supposed to be the miraculous date when the world was suddenly going to change to one of peace and perfection.
Out Of Body Experiences (OBE)It is a notion of unquestionable legality to wonder what exactly happens to the humans after they die. There is a study that spiritual leaders have tried to use each day in order to evaluate this concept.
God’s Plan and Our HopeThere may be no link between our life circumstance and our sense of contentedness. This bemuses and perplexes us, unless we understand that God’s plans are good no matter how we feel… The LORD’S plans are good despite our circumstances. They are sufficient for us. For better and for worse; there for both, is God.
To Be Spiritual Do You Have To Be Religious?Customarily, a lot of faiths have viewed spirituality as an essential feature of religious practice. They believe if you believe in God you will automatically become spiritual and happy. In midst of this common belief a growing number of people are going toward secularism and have agreed to a wider understanding of spirituality.
How to Live In The Moment: A Simple Spiritual PracticeTo live in the moment it helps to pay attention to time, the time you have left. Time doesn’t flow backwards…it flows forward. The past is over. It’s done. It’s finished. We can’t go back. Yet we often spend much of our life emotionally reliving and obsessing about the past.
Transparency and the Nagging Absence of GodDo you ever feel that instead of a joyful sense of the presence of God you feel a nagging sense of God’s absence? In this article, John Harbison describes his own sense of this nagging absence and how he experienced the Lord in the midst of it.
Remodelling Your SpiritualityJesus was in the business of opening things up: the minds of the disciples and others by his parables, and the eyes of the blind and ears of the deaf through his miracles. He opens hearts to the truth, today and eternally! Throw open the curtains. Better still, take them down. Make curtains, instead, at the extent of your outer boundaries. Learn to live an expansive life. Jesus died for it. We do not hide a shimmering lantern; we place it on the lampstand for all to see.
Did Someone Steal My Ex With a Love Spell?Your relationship was going great. You were in love and everything was perfect. Then suddenly your boyfriend or girlfriend disappears, meets someone else and leaves you completely. Almost as if by magic. But is this just a change of heart or is there more reality to the magic than one could possibly believe?
How to Perform MiraclesWe might not be able to part the Red Sea or turn water into wine but each of us has the ability to perform smaller miracles. For those who don’t have the ability to focus well enough, or who are too impatient to work at it long enough, if the desire and determination are present and you practice one of the smaller miracles, you can at least get the reaction from people, “Oh, WOW! How did you do that?”
The Personal And Cosmic Dance Of Light And DarkIt’s both a simple and profound truth that unless there is a black there is no white, without a sun there is no shadow. We cannot avoid the opposing forces which not only confront us in this life but which in fact create our world. So let’s take a lesson from the harmonious pairing of space and matter.