The Chakras and Reiki
Chakras are energy centers that spin like vortexes that radiate energy from a point it corresponds to in the physical body. They are comprised of layers that fan out in a shape of a heart. If a Chakra is damaged or has Blockage, it cannot channel the Universal Energy properly.
To Become a Sufi: Do I Need to Join a Sufi Order?“You may follow one stream. Know that it leads to the Ocean, but do not mistake the stream for the Ocean.” Jan-Fishan Q: To study Sufism, do I need to become a Moslem and convert to Islam, or join a Sufi Order?
Never Go By Appearances, Be A Master MindI have never went by appearances, I have always considered the reality of the situation before anything else. If that is “crazy”, is living by a fantasy sane? From Santa Claus to irrational fears, sanity is always looking at the realities of all situations. I will speak through this article to you about being a genuine master mind.
Spiritual Counseling – Suffering Leads to AwakeningIf you are living a nightmarish life then your chances for a spiritual awakening are pretty high. More often than not, awakenings occur during or after times of great trauma, crisis, or upheaval where inner and outer structures are broken down. What we used to depend on is no longer available to us and so we are forced to fall back onto our own devices, our own personal resources to survive. This could be indicative of a death in the family, a divorce, or a financial loss. The rug is pulled out from underneath us — so to speak — and we’re left feeling confused and helpless.
Personal Life Coaching – The Awakened State of ConsciousnessThe term “awakening” has been used as a metaphor since ancient times to describe the evolution of human consciousness. The word Buddha comes from the Sanskrit word Budh, which means “to be awake.” Buddha is not the name of a person but rather a state of consciousness. This, of course, implies that the normal “awakened state” of most humans is, spiritually speaking, equivalent to an unawakened, sleeping, or dreaming state of consciousness. Some spiritual teachings refer to this as a “shared hallucination” to describe this normal state of human existence. The spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, calls these individuals “dream-walkers.”
The Purpose of the PathThe older I get the more I realize how precious and valuable my time is. Time is something we only have once, so we have to make good use of it.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – The Importance Of LineageAbraham, Isaac and Jacob illustrate the importance of lineage – that each succeeding generation might propagate more of God’s Sovereign plan as it’s to be known in this world. We have the opportunity to ask, “What is God doing through my family and hence through me, during the future period that is the rest of my life?”
Isaiah 62 – God Rejoices in YouThe gospel of God tells us that humility upon truth exposes the LORD’S heart in such a way as to procure blessing. We know the way to be blessed. Turn back to God, now and whenever, and we redeem the spiritual salvation known to the saved. Our LORD rejoices each time.
Should We Celebrate Muammar Gaddafi’s Demise From a Personal Growth Point of View?Bin Laden, Hosni Mubarak, and now Muammar Gaddafi are history. How do these bad guys play out in one’s endeavors for personal growth and personal change?
You Can’t Trust If You Are Caught In WorryThere is so much to worry about in our lives today. The world around us is in chaos. The world is in a major depression. Unemployment is higher than it ever has been. More people are below the poverty level than ever. As we look at these events in our world, it is easy for us to get caught up in worry and fear that our job may be in danger, our house could get foreclosed on or we may have to file bankruptcy. So we worry, and we fret. Worry is prayer for what you don’t want. If you are worrying about something, you are praying for that thing to happen.
How You Live Today, Will Decide Where Will You Go When You DieThe first step in understanding where will you go when you die lies in you understanding how to attain perfection! No easy feat to accomplish in the world that we live in But, this does not mean that you cannot attain perfection. The road ahead to attaining perfection is not at all easy.
Coming to Terms With the Meaning of Perfection Will Help You Realize Where Will You Go When You DieHow do you go about Attaining Perfection as a means to understanding where will you go when you die? What is perfection? What do you understand by perfection?