Maya – The Source of Illusion
Maya is a well known concept in Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, etc, and it is more and more known in New Age circles as well as in Esoteric traditions worldwide. The concept entails that the entire third dimension in which we live is a material dimension created for beings to learn through suffering and paying karma, and to eventually start removing animalistic and negative impulses which consequently leads to knowledge of oneself and the reality of existence.
Bible Prophecy in the Book of Revelation DecodedThe book of Revelation of the bible has mystified people throughout the ages. It is loaded with secrets, mysteries, and prophecy. In this article and subsequent series, we will dig deep into the meaning of each paragraph of each chapter of this famous book.
I Once Was Attacked By Geese And Saved By An Angel!My first encounter with an “angel” was when I was eight years old. She saved me from my fear and showed me the way home.
How Secret Expectations Can Make Your Life DifficultThis article explains how you can accumulate hidden expectations even though you don’t know it, and how they can materialize in various lives. I explain that expectations are adopted through previous lives and parents even before birth.
Love Ourselves, Heal the WorldThe energy shifts coming into the Autumn are affecting everyone, sometimes the effects are not clear. It’s good to outline what may actually be happening so that we don’t get hooked back into thinking we have to do work we have already done.
Shining Like Stars Now and ForeverEven the righteous will be tempted to, and may well, submit under the tyranny of evil, but when they recall that righteousness comes from God, the power of courage and wisdom to stand firm is unconditionally theirs upon faith. This Power also appoints a starry destiny for those whom believe God and are, thus, reckoned as righteous by their faith.
How Do I Find God Before The World Ends?“How do I find God?” is a question that has boggled millions for years. Hopefully, this article will be that candle lit corridor you need to lead you down the path of finding God and embracing his everlasting love.
Dealing With Past, Present and Future: The Power of Here and NowIn life we experience two main emotions: one is pleasure, the other is pain. They come and they go; they are a normal part of the human experience. But what happens is that our minds try to maintain the good and push away the bad. It’s a kind of tug-of-war where we say “I want this” and “I don’t want that.” This has the result of causing struggles in our lives.
Discover the “I Am”: Embrace the Infinite Possibility of the Real YouKnowledge is one of the things that prevent us from awakening. Why? We think we know many things and knowing these things keeps us from being awake. To gain awareness we need to unlearn what we know, or think we know. We need to let go of every piece of knowledge and just be. In the East they call it the way ‘neti neti’ which means ‘not this, not that.’ In the West we refer to it as ‘via negativa’ which means a way of nothingness.
Prayer Within the God-Conscious LifeBesides gifts, the Presence of God is practiced through intentionality. This is beyond what God gives us – regarding our individual Spiritual ‘heredity’ – and it extends it by what we have of our own motives, so far as our desire prevails to experience God. Whilst the Beatific Vision is beyond many of us, no matter how hard we try, this continual experience of God is possible for every believer via unspoken prayer.
Perfect WeaknessThe other night I was sitting in my apartment feeling a bit lonely. So I decided to text a friend, let’s call him Nate, and asked if he wanted to come over and catch up on stories from the summer. As we sat in the living room conversing about work and friends and telling what I thought to be mundane, ordinary stories, Nate interrupted me with a thought. He warned me that it might sound a little strange or out of whack, but he said he thought that perhaps people actually learn and grow more when they’re going through hard times that involve suffering and pain.
Hurricane Irene: Faith and TrustTwo different takes: Hurricane Irene demonstrates how people live their lives. When possible impending disasters hit the news people get to choose whether to focus on the horrible painful aftermath that MIGHT happen OR they can focus on dispelling the chances of that event happening with the predicted severity.