Everything, Everywhere All At Once: Meaning, Review & Reflections

Christian Frustration

Reaching a point where we experience frustration is not failure; it is failure when frustration causes us to quit. I do not believe there is a place where this is more prevalent than in the life of a Christian. We want to do what is right, but too often we don’t. We don’t want to do what is wrong, but too often we do it anyway. This struggle between our desire to live for God, and the evil nature within us, fills us with frustration. This frustration is even worse for a preacher. It does not matter how much prayer and labor he puts into his work; all too often some people just cannot envision the sermon as a spring of living water. It almost seems as if some churchgoers see sermons and bible training as something to be endured instead of something to be embraced. People’s apathy toward the gospel can generate a level of frustration that is almost unbearable.

Ciao Haters!

This perfection doesn’t mean you are faultless, but is meant in this connotation… to have integrity and correctness! There are no obvious inaccuracies, ambiguities or vagueness about you or your personality. There won’t be vagueness and haziness about where you stand on any issue!

Does Evil Seem to Be Winning These Days?

Fifteen years ago I took a group of 8th grade students to Washington DC. I was teaching U.S. History and English at the time and was excited to spend a week exploring the many things we had learned that year with my students.

God Works in Mysterious Ways!

My Husband and I were placed in the life of a Sudanese couple who fled for religious asylum while living in Romania. We did what we could to help them out of Romania and up to England to have a better life. However, in the end we realized that God had His own timing and perfect way to free them from their captivity!

Blessings Sometimes Come in Different Packages!

What is God doing in our life and faith when we find ourselves in a place of difficulty and suffering? Sometimes in the end, those seasons end up being some of lifes greatest blessings. The Bible is the perfect pain management for Christians.

No One Is Off the Hook for Their Negative Behavior!

How do we respond to people in our lives who appear to be getting away with the injustices they have caused to others? We see them every day in many forms; the boss who lacks integrity and uses dishonest approaches to advance their career, the abusive husband who can’t see his wrongdoing and has justified his anger and wrath upon his wife, the coach who uses their position to advance their own purposes and agendas at the expense of the kids, the teacher who is tenured and seems to be getting away day after day with such negative and destructive…

Jesus Christ Is Alive And With Us Today!

On Thursday, July 7, 2011, at exactly 7:40 in the morning (Florida time) a “vision of healing” by Jesus Christ was manifested at the Adoration Chapel of St Andrew Church in Coral Springs, Florida. In this article you will be shown the details of the vision, and you will be given proof that Jesus Christ is indeed alive and with us today!

Google, God, and Gold

I found “gold” in my “God” query on Google’s AdWords site! I recently used the Google AdWords site for a keyword search for “God.” Since I am a new blogger, blogging about enchanted spiritual living, I wanted to know how many times, in one month, people in the United States use Google to search the word “God.” I entered “God” in the AdWords keyword search box, and a page with “God” and God-related words was the search result. While reading the page I noticed, sandwiched between “Google god” and “church” was the word “gold.” Somehow that did not seem correct.

Spiritual Life Coaching – The Physics of Consciousness

Quantum physics posits that nothing really happens in the physical world unless a conscious mind observes it. In other words, consciousness must perceive what it creates in order for that creation be real. This theory can be corroborated in the dream world. When we dream, we create our dream and perceive our dream at the same time. We do it so seamlessly that we are unaware that we, are in fact, the dreamer.

Spiritual Life Coaching – The Holistic Frequency Realm

Let’s say you take a full body holographic photo of yourself. You then take the full body holographic photo and crop it down to a smaller size so that it only showing your face. If you then enlarge that portion of the photo to its original size, you will not get a large photo of your face, but the original holographic photo of your full body. In a hologram, each individual part of the whole contains the whole in condensed form. The part is in the whole and the whole is in the part. This describes the phenomenon of quantum physics string theory known as the holographic principle.

Look Out: How to Recognize Sociopaths and Tips to Manage Them

A sociopath is someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They have no conscience. Look for this type of behavior to identify a sociopath.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Are We Living in the Matrix?

In Latin, the word holographus is derived from late Greek holographos. The root “holos” is defined as “whole or complete.” The holographic principle is a property of quantum physics and string theory which states that all the information in this three-dimensional universe that we call our reality is stored as a two-dimensional hologram.

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