How to Find Torah Faith and Emunah
Jewish faith, which is emunah, is a central issue to every serious Jewish person. Learn about the different aspects self-improvement and finding torah faith in this article.
The Tarot – What Will I Get From A Tarot Reading?Many people will have heard of or encountered Tarot cards. This deck of 78 illustrated cards is used for divination (fortune-telling) and to provide Spiritual guidance. It can be a useful tool, especially when times are tough.
The Best Times As We AscendWe are living in the best of time. Never before have we had the ability to Ascend into the higher realms that will allow us to transform and transmute humanity into a Peaceful and Loving one. We are being presented with new tools that allow us to clear Karmic issues, helping us to make exponential progress in out personal evolution.
Superficial Christianity – Shall It Be Communism, Religion, Democracy, or Christ?Are You a Coward, a Salesman, or a Christian? Americans have no concept of what it means to be persecuted for Christ. We live in a world of superficial Christianity that promotes shallow religious convictions. Thus we lack the courage to be counted.
Burn With Passion for Life by Accessing Divine LoveDivine love is all about finding your passion for life. To focus yourself on what makes you happy allows you to be more easily magnetic to your desires. Learn how to live on purpose.
What We Put FirstIt’s funny how we run around every day working for what we believe we need, when God clearly tells us to seek Him first and He will give us everything we need. Why do we continue to look everywhere for the things we think we need when all we have to do is go to Him? Do we really believe we can live for God when we put other things before Him?
You Have What It Takes to Overcome The Challenges of LifeYou survived that assault on your life where trouble seemed to follow you wherever you went. Now you need to consolidate the gains of the struggle and implement the lessons learned to create a turnaround in your life. When you do that your testimony can help others who are faced with similar challenges. It is as if the spotlight is on you so that others may see what your response will be and emulate. Bad things happen to good people at times and you need to always maintain a good attitude. Do not give up in the midnight of your life because your day-break is coming. Like Jacob in the Bible you must not let go because your blessing is about to come even though you have wrestled and fought all night long.
Personal and Societal FreedomThe connection between the counting towards the Jubilee and Shavuot are similar. Each counting deals with a different aspect of freedom.
Fruitfulness Is Your PortionFruitfulness is the first instruction that God gave to man was to be fruitful. According to Gen:1 28 this verse describe the impartation of the intention of God, the implementation of his intention was found in verse 27.
Angels – Angel of Serenity – What Is Serenity?The path less traveled is a way of life, it is not always chosen, at least not in the beginning. Serenity is a state of harmony and bliss knowing there are choices for all concerned. That which at first appears to be an obstacle, a challenge, a loss may indeed be a blessing being gifted to you.
What Is “DOR” and How Can You Protect Yourself From It? Ask a Tree!Trees and flowers know what DOR is. It is deadly orgone created by TV’s, Cell phones, negative emotions and power lines. Very dangerous to your health. Protect yourself, use orgone generators…
Conflicts End With The End of Victim Consciousness – My Personal ExperienceConflicts of any sort will only last as long as there are people with victim consciousness. It is the victim who requires a victimizer, just as a patient requires a doctor or a student needs a teacher. At their soul level, victims literally ask for the transgression against them because they condemn or judge those same aggressive aspects of themselves and need someone else to play that role as a mirror for them. Everyone with low self-worth, guilt, or the belief of being a sinner who does not deserve the love of God or other people, has the potential to manifest an adversary in their life. Although it happens unconsciously, we actually are always in control of everything that happens to us. We make it happen. We may be robbed because we ourselves have robbed, or we have condemned robbers for what they have done to us, fulfilling the law ‘You become that what you judge’.