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Brief Encounters

There are many brief encounters in life with others who we may only see for a moment. We have time to talk with them only for a few minutes about whatever comes to our minds. There are other times when we have meetings or encounters where we spend a few hours, or even a day with someone we may never see again.

Life Is a Mystery

Ever wondered why God never gave us a formula by which we could calculate events before they unfold? He only told us to trust and obey. I have asked myself severally what my life would be like if I knew in advance all that was to happen.

Explanation of the Parable of the Mustard Seed and Yeast

Parables are what they are, parables. They are stories whose meaning is not in the story itself but alongside them. The word “parable” comes from two Greek words, “para” which means “beside, alongside” and “ballein” which means “to throw”. In other words the real meaning of the story is accompanying only the story, thrown or put along with the story.

Don’t Forget Your Mother!

Are you forgetting your Mother? We’ve become focused from the neck up. Stuck in our heads, we are so often completely disconnected from the power and wisdom of the Earth, our body, and especially our hearts. Try Earthing! Take off your shoes and go connect with your Mother! Mother Earth!

Crucifixion: A Symbol of What We Do to Ourselves

There are people who think we ought to get rid of all talk about the crucifixion of Jesus in the 21st century-that it is a negative, unhelpful, even harmful image. Those who have moved away from Christianity point to how Christendom has even taught people to crucify themselves, put themselves down, subjecting their will to that of others, and actually to feel bad about themselves.

Spiritual Growth – Slow and Steady

Spiritual maturity, as is true with most other worth-while endeavors, takes time and patience. It does not, however, necessarily require major leaps into the unknown all at once. In fact, one key to maturity is the ability to recognize when we are struggling and change course accordingly. This article briefly addresses five basic signs that your spirit might be struggling, and an encouragement to be mindful of your spirit’s needs, just as we do with our body and soul.

Isn’t It Time To Take Jesus And Yourself Down Off That Cross? – Part 2

Now that we understand that Jesus was never about dying for our sins, that this idea was strictly Paul’s, let’s go back to Jesus’ two commandments, to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. Again, this means allowing yourself to become the love of God that you are and then there’s no one you cannot love. No one has ever really wanted to love unconditionally because, like Paul, we’ve all been addicted to our suffering and victimhood. This addiction comes from having a belief that Jesus came to take away our suffering, but only after we die. Christians accept that while we’re alive, life includes suffering. This belief says, that’s okay because one day we’re going to be with Jesus and that’s when there will be no more suffering. Meanwhile, as long as we’re alive, we don’t really mind if we suffer-that is, so long as it gives Jesus a good reason to smile on us.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Let Faith in Yourself and Accord of Your Creator Determine Your Destiny

You are unique and a miracle of life, in your heart, soul and mind you have the gifts of wisdom, strength and determination, humility love and compassion, and the ability to be happy and enjoy life. These gifts represent your faith in yourself and subject to the vagaries of fate enable you to decide your own future.

Mental, Physical and Emotional Illness Can Result From Past Life Trauma

You have suffered from emotional and mental disorders since you were a small child. At the same time you cannot pinpoint the reasons for it, and where these significant issues stemmed from. You can remember a few problematic moments from childhood, but nothing enough to cause you to suffer deep down like you do. All you know is that you have always felt tortured within.

The Perfect Truth

The power of self-realization is at hand. Gather courage now and learn to trust, prepared to be vulnerable. Cultivate your idea of God wisdom and attune to the cosmic consciousness. The harvest of the world is at hand, what is there to harvest, you might ask.

How a Change of Circumstances Comes About in an Aware Person – The Little Prince Series

When a change suggests itself in our innermost being, we find that if we don’t turn this into something we think and think about-don’t make it an issue we agonize over-but conscientiously follow any prompting within, together with such opportunities as might arise spontaneously in our external world, our course of action has a way of unfolding in its due time. Whether we decide to make a change or choose to stay as we are, in both cases we are wise to allow life to flow, without attempting to push the river. I want to point out, though, that flow is a very active state, not a mindset of resignation. We go with the flow, not just float idly through life.

The Metaphysics of Thought Waves

Thoughts obey the scientific laws. To understand it we need only to extend scientific laws to certain extent sticking to logical thinking. Now we can think of the invisible atoms and particles that are parts of our physical world. For the existence of such particles we have to rely upon the theories and apparatus used in the experiment.

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