4 Parenting Tips To Setup A Bright Future For Your Child

Keys To Effective Christian Living – Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

Drawing closer to God and experiencing His very Presence and power is the result of the application of certain spiritual principles over and over again, being consistent and persistent in our pursuit of God and His plan and purpose for our lives. We draw closer to God through spending time with Him in His Word, the Holy Bible, and in prayer. One of the most awesome ways to pray is in the Holy Spirit. By this, I am referring to praying in the language of the Spirit, which is known in the Bible as praying in tongues. I know that this is a subject of much controversy. Many people do not understand the value of praying to God in this manner. And because of a lack of understanding of the subject of being filled with the blessed Holy Spirit, which is accompanied by the ability to speak to God in a supernatural language, people have been robbed of their inheritance in Christ, and a marvelous manner in which to speak to God, spirit to Spirit…

The Big Bang or Creationism: Is There Another Option?

Modern culture has drilled into our minds the notion that we have only two choices when selecting fundamental worldviews: it’s either the Big Bang or creationism. But who ever said these were the only options? Is there perhaps a third option that combines elements of both science and religion but transcends them? The answer is yes.

How to Attract Money – Get Blessings Straight From the Lord of Prosperity and Cure Money Problems

Do you really want to know how to attract money? Have you gone through every law of attraction course but still don’t have the wealth and money you desire? If you answered yes, the search ends here, because you have found the god of beginning himself, he is the remover of obstacles. His name is lord ganesha.

We Contract Or Expand As A Physical Response To Feeling Safe Or Threatened

On the Earth plane, relationships are primarily experienced as physical. The emotional sensations of happiness, sadness, guilt, jealously, anger, fear and love are physical phenomena that require the secretion of specific hormones. For example, there is adrenaline to express fear, cortisol to produce anger, and serotonin to make you happy. Without these chemicals these emotions cannot occur. The cells of the body speak to us through the language of emotions. It is through emotions that the body tells us how we are dealing with certain situations, with others and ourselves. There are only two basic responses that our emotional and physical bodies can have to any given experience.

By the Faith of Jesus Christ

What a glorious thought: we aren’t justified doing good things, but by Jesus Christ’s own faith. We do not have to struggle to bring our faith up to a proper level so that we can please God; this is categorized as “works,” as well. When we thrash about within ourselves to try to get up faith that we do not have, we feel guilty if we cannot come to a place of faith. We feel like we have let God down and that we cannot be pleasing to Him because our faith is not where it should be.

Six Little Words

When I first found this prayer I was going through a difficult time in my life. I latched onto these words because for me they had much more power than any prayers I had previously learned. To give you an idea of how these six little words can work in your life, I’ll tell you about three of the people I shared my prayer with. They were a janitor, a business manager and a pianist.

Spiritual Organization

You do not have a soul. You are a soul, an intelligent pattern of energy. You are more sensitive than you realize. If you don’t organize yourself so your energy is directed toward your goals, you will find yourself jumping all over the place in search of something creative to do.

The Soul and Giving

Generosity is a soul prompted spontaneous response. It is an attitude, a way of being present, an inner response that is imbued with love. There is some distance though between the generosity response within and the actions we perform to reflect that generosity.

Do You Ever Feel Like Crying? Self-Compassion and Planetary Healing

The most healing thing you can do when faced with challenging emotions is to stop. Notice how you’re feeling. Breathe. Find your center. Connect with your Essential Self. Know that help is yours. Let love fill you. Be peace. When you remember who you are, you don’t need to change anything outside your self. Everything you need is right here. And here’s the really beautiful part: when you let yourself feel your feelings, when you create a compassionate space inside yourself for all of who you are, you no longer need to dump your dense energy into the Collective Unconscious, where it might result in someone uttering an angry word, or hitting a child, or picking up a gun, or dropping a bomb. Never underestimate the power of a little self-compassion.

My Peyote Meeting

Many years ago, I was having serious problems and facing possible prison time, all because of alcohol. I didn’t really realize fully yet that I was an alcoholic and still hadn’t hit my bottom. I was told I should have my own peyote meeting, as an emergency healing service. I did just that. However, I want to be clear here. I do not want to offend or disrespect the Native American Church or any of its members, by relating my story of sitting up on peyote. With the advent of the internet, it is all out there anyway. I am not disclosing any secrets, only my respect for the medicine and this way of worship.

The Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin has been a subject of controversy since its arrival in the 1300’s. If it were the sheet that the Lord was transported from the cross to the tomb in, how would the image have remained so perfectly intact, without being smeared?

And on the Seventh Day, God Rested

Genesis 2:2-3. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. KJV On the seventh day, God rested.

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