Dubai’s Museum of the Future Hosts Sadhguru

Human Nature

Human Nature is the product of human personality and human character. It is the nature of a Human Being to have a personality and a character. The nature of my personality is determined by my emotional needs.

How to Choose the Perfect Wand

It would be nice if choosing a wand were as easy as visiting a Hogwarts-style wand shop. A wand is a very personal item which has to mesh well with the user. However, it will not go about choosing you. You’ll have to do a great deal of thinking and searching to decide what is right for you. Let me help you with some handy hints and suggestions about wands and the materials they are made with.

Living the Resurrection Reality – Part 6 – Ministry

The Father has raised us with Jesus (verse 6) – that was God’s work. As a response, then, now comes our opportunity to work for the Kingdom. We’re saved, indeed resurrected, for a purpose. We’ve heard it so often. We’re saved to serve. Ministry is this service. But we’re confused by the terminology. What is “ministry”?

Mind Stories and Theories of the Mind

Various theories of the mind provide increasingly stronger arguments to back up their paradigms. Here are two different stories, one showing how famous astral projection claims are explainable through the activity of the brain; the other showing that materialistic map are not large enough to encompass all the mysteries of the mind.

Dissatisfaction With Your Path

I am dissatisfied with my path, how do I find another? In this matter, there are a number of considerations. Because you are dissatisfied with something it does not mean it is not of use; dissatisfaction is an emotional state which comes and goes.

Tarot Card Meanings – Have You Got The Hang of Them?

Tarot cards are becoming increasingly popular today, as more people become interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge of the esoterical world. One of the main problems newcomers to tarot face is learning and remembering the different meanings for each of the 78 cards in a tarot deck – it can be pretty daunting if you’re new to the world of tarot! Although there are “standard” keywords and phrases which are universally recognised by the majority of tarotists, these are certainly not definitive and no way are they set in stone.

The Primacy of The Unseen

We tend to think the inner is an illusion, at best a ghostly image of the outer world. And thought itself we regard as a pale counterfeit of reality. Everything is an adjunct of the brain. This despite the fact that we rely totally on thought to arrive at that, and similar, conclusions. Despite the fact that we trust implicitly these conclusions.

The Four Cardinal Virtues

Modern science and contemporary patterns of thinking have obscured the fact that for a long time people navigated through life by quite different beliefs. They lived in what I would call a completely different soul-scape. Some of these points of navigation can shine through again if we let them.

The Sound in Silence

How many of us have heard the sound in silence? What sound, you may ask, could there be in silence? To me, it is the sound of life, AUM or OM, the voice for the Holy Spirit.

What Is Reiki? Reiki Is Energy Healing

What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese form of Divine healing energy. In different cultures it may be called life force or Chi. Reiki is made up of 2 ancient Japanese kanji characters. The first one means “soul” or “spiritual.” Ki, the second kanji symbol means “energy.”

Good Friday: A Day To Reflect and Contemplate Life

The cross of Christ is the door to heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of the devil, the uplifting of mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the prize for our freedom.” The Cross of Christ is the safeguard of our faith, the assurance of our hope, and the throne of love. It is also the sign of God’s mercy and the proof of forgiveness….Abbot Rupert of Deutz, early 12th century

Did Men or Ravens Feed Elijah?

Here’s what we are told: It might have been people who fed Elijah meat and bread at the Kerith Ravine. (1 Kings 17:4-6) Some say the Hebrew word that is translated “ravens,” could also be translated merchants, Arabians or men from a city named Arabah (Orbo). (Josh. 18:18) In Ezekiel, a contracted form of this word is translated “merchandise.” (Eze. 27:9, 27)…

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