Heartbreak Advice To LET GO & (Finally) Move On… (life changing)

How to Raise Your Spiritual Vibrations and Share Them With Others

Whether you know it or not you are producing spiritual vibrations. But these may be so low that you don’t seem to notice them. You can raise these vibrations. You can try some of the ways mentioned here or you can specialize on the best way to raise these vibrations and share them with others.

I Will Never Forget What I Heard That Night

Before I became a professional ghost hunter with my company, I undertook the chance to go with some friends to a former abbey. Please read on for what happened next will astound you.

3 Ways to Develop a Greater Spiritual Connection to a Higher Power

Do you want to do something more in your life? Do you feel that you can do something better? Then you need to connect to a higher power who will enable you to fulfill your aspirations for a better life. Here are 3 ways by which you can develop a greater spiritual connection to a higher power.

Forgiveness and a Free Spirit

God and religion teaches a lot of things and one of them is forgiveness. Living a happy and fulfilled life becomes easier to achieve when we have that spirit within us. Forgiveness is an issue of faith from time immemorial.

Proverbs Piece Number 4 – The Rich, the Poor and Everyday Dishes

I have a question: What different preparations would you make if you knew Prince William and his new bride were coming to dinner next week, as opposed to if your husband invited three street people he met in the mission house that day? Would having royalty in your home make you fix expensive specialty foods or buy a new tablecloth and dishes with fancy flowers in the center of the table? What would you buy new for the street people?

Explaining Israel’s Two Houses And The Elusive Gentiles

Always, a mix-up occurs over proper identity and utility for the house of Israel, house of Judah and indefinite Gentiles. Here, we unravel uncertainty with a clear identity for each designation. The gentile is not whom religionists have suspected these many years.

Vamana And Yama Deva In Hindu Mythology

The incarnation of Vamana holds a prominent and singular place and position amidst the twenty four incarnations of Visnu, who in the Vedic literature, from the spiritual point of view, is the most gigantic and powerful deity. He, in the graceful garb of a dwarf, stands on the ten toes of his feet. He has a vase in one hand as well as an umbrella in the other.

3 Things Needed For Spiritual Growth

Knowing that fact that Jesus was not just any ordinary man can be of great benefit to the seeker of knowledge. The power that was expressed in his person exceed even our limitations that we confined by such as the human flesh as well as the human mind’s conception of things.

Christian Women – Looking To God For Guidance In Life And Relationships

Girls need a lot of help growing up. They need guidance, a shoulder to lean on, a friend to seek advice from. These days girls face a lot of peer pressure from society. Aside from their parents and friends whom they can turn to for support, they need God in their lives. A Christian girl will always find something missing in her life, a hole she can’t quite place, unless she looks to God the Father, our Creator, for wisdom and guidance in life.

Lord Shiva – Discover Who Is the Real Lord Shiva

The almighty Shiva is the creator of the cosmos; he is the creator of the universe. It is often seen that many people confuse Shiva with Shankar. Shankar is the destroyer while Shiva is the creator, Shiva is the formless, he is denoted by the shiv linga but Shankar is the physical formation of Shiva itself.

Living Mastery From the Ascended Masters

The Journey into self-mastery is a sacred journey undertaken by the higher self to further the conscious learning that is required for your soul’s evolvement. It is undertaken with the knowledge that true mastery must be tested and worked for. It requires discipline and courage, trust and faith.

Physical and Emotional Affects of Soul Disconnection

When I first started working in past life and between life therapy it was from the point of view of giving people more spiritual understanding and helping them to progress on a soul level. It was not until my work took more depth that I started seeing more and more people that had conditions and symptoms that were physical, mental or emotional and whose priority was not spiritual enlightening, but improved health. It was at this time that I realised more than ever that people, if to be treated successfully and to live a whole and complete life, really…

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