5 More Things To Know About The FULL Moon (August 11, 2022)

Ecclesiastes and the Voice of Maturity

The voice of maturity takes in its humble stride many maddening things. It takes what sends the normal person into spiritual convulsions and forms it into peace. Peace like this is beyond understanding and is only experienced; the outcome of a man or woman who’s endured the fiery refining furnace of the LORD, their God.

Take Advantage of Your Resilience

Are you resilient? Do you take advantage of the vast array of ways that you can live life, or do you cower from opportunities? Changes are inevitable, as they are part and parcel of universal arrangements. They are not to be feared because they offer you the chance to prove your mettle. How else could you forge your beautiful legacy? Your life is the most valuable thing granted to you and should not be forsaken.

How Substantial Are Your Buns?

I like messy sandwiches because most of the time it indicates that there are a lot of flavors on it. Lots of different veggies. Interesting sauces. Maybe some kind of fried goodness. It isn’t usually pretty, but oh my. Bring on the flava-flav.

Excellence in All Of Your Efforts Is Mandatory

Excellence in all of your efforts is mandatory if you want to achieve the level of success and comfort you desire. When we live life with a list of wants and needs, but do not put forth the maximum effort to make it evolve, then the only thing that happens are delays. With the Spring season upon most of us, it is a great time to feel refreshed and put forward a renewed energy to excel in the areas you want to improve, change or enhance.

When Tragedy Strikes – Where Is God?

Another tragedy has occurred. It seems as though something else horrific has happened every night when we turn on our televisions. This time, it’s the earthquake in Tokyo.

Gateway to Righteousness

Righteousness is the nature or quality of being right or blameless or just. You cannot be right or blameless without a set standard prepared as verification model for comparison. To ensure that man in generic form, conform to justice or righteousness a set of godly laws was given to man to obey.

Controlling the Events in Our Life

I think everyone would like to be able to control the events in their lives. How many of us would like for only so-called “good” things to happen? While we can control some of the events in our life, to do so all the time is not only impossible, but not even desirable. Often times, we learn the most and grow as an individual through the adversity we face each and every day.

Why Is Easter So Late This Year?

How is the date for Easter determined? What is Resurrection Sunday? Some myths dispelled.

Spiritual Quantum Physics and Your Higher Self

According to the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics, everything is energy. We ‘blinked out’ of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God for one purpose to raise your level of consciousness.

Discovering Your Own Latent Psychic Ability

It is a myth that only a few individuals are able to harness psychic powers. Anybody can manifest some level of psychic ability, though it may be much weaker in some people than others.

Richmond Virginia: When the Lights Go Out

Sometimes we do things and afterward we have no idea why we did them. Such was the case during a night I spent in Richmond Virginia. I had enjoyed a few days visiting Charleston South Carolina during which time I visited several of the plantations in the area, Fort Sumter, and enjoyed the dining and facilities of the battery area. I was disappointed in the weather, it being May I had expected warmer weather, it seems the area was experiencing a colder than normal spring. It was time to leave Charleston, but not yet time to go home, so I decided to drive up the coast to visit Fredericksburg Virginia, some place I had always wanted to visit, but never had the opportunity until now. So I bid farewell to the beautiful area around Charleston and headed back north.

The Incredible Changes 2012 Will Bring – And How You Can Prepare And Maximise These Benefits NOW!

In this article, I talk about the changes that 2012 will bring worldwide, based on widely circulated esoteric information. I will explore how you can maximise your potential for change and personal growth during this time, using cutting edge techniques. Also, the reasons why you should do this sooner rather than later. The changes that society will start to see are also discussed.

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