Can You Manifest from a State of Ego? | Eckhart Tolle

Hypocrisy and Its Effects on Spiritual Vision

The knowledge of what God desires of us, coupled with our love for Him, grows in us an increasing desire to obey Him. We read the Word, we hear a preacher and then we realize how far we fall short. Driven by the desire to please God, we then try harder by doing things like reading the Bible more, praying more, giving more and getting involved in more and more church activities.

Powerful Prayers – 10 Tips Help Reveal How to Uncover the Hidden Power in Your Prayer Life!

Have you tried praying different ways, but still feel frustrated and wonder if your prayers are having any effect? Let these 10 tips help reveal how to uncover the hidden power in your prayer life!

So Well ‘Fed’ You’re About To Burst?

The majority of Westerners certainly know the extent of dietary affluence. Indeed, we’ve probably known that extravagance of Christmas meals – an embarrassingly rich array of food – numerous times. After gorging ourselves we then wonder why we did it. We went beyond health and into ill-health because of our situational gluttony. And our waistlines attest to these riches beyond favour. The same occurs with our spiritual diet, and the temptations to ‘gorge on the array’ are terrific indeed.

What Are The Hidden Truths In The Scriptures?

That which is sincerely worthwhile and beautiful in existence is usually hidden away in the caves of concealment. Frequently extraordinary spiritual treasures and the rarest of gems have to be dug up with the shovel of wisdom and understanding.

Life Full Of Joy And Happiness – There Is Only One Road – One Way!

Wouldn’t you like to live in perfect bliss? Would you like to be free from the mundane life and find joy in everything you feast your eyes on? If you want to explore a state of real everlasting pleasure, then you need to open yourself to seeing everything in your life as a spiritual adventure!

Angel Helpers

We are not alone. We have supernatural entities around us. Some people call them Angel helpers, higher beings, or entities of light. If human beings chose to work with them it is an empowering process and has many rewards for your soul journey. The assistance of these higher beings lets all kinds of possibilities happen where before they were only dreams.

Angels – Taliahad, Angel of Water Emotion

Where there is water, there is movement. Angel Taliahad works with Archangel Gabriel assisting you in speaking your truth with softness and clarity. Emotional healing is essential to your overall well-being

Discovering Our Power in Silence

I don’t think I ever realized how noisy our world is until that first time I went snow skiing in the Sierras. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to pay attention to the sound of silence.

Exchanging Self-Esteem for Money – Everyone Prostitutes Themselves

Condemnation of those who exchange money for sex is rampant. How many times have you done something just for the money?

A Lesson in Chinese – Are You Gung Ho?

As native of Columbus, Nebraska, I’m not always as well acquainted with urban attitudes. When Heidi and I stayed with my unconventional cousin and her family in Omaha last summer, she was intent on teaching our “multi-culturally challenged and globally unaware” three year old some Chinese as she had taught her three year old. Well, Carter didn’t pick it up as she had hoped, but Heidi and I can now tell you the Chinese word for ice cream.

Balance In A Child’s Life: Strengthening The Will

A child must develop a balance between rest and activity. There must be a rhythm of contraction and expansion, in breathing and out breathing. Children need time to find balance between solitude and companionship and not to be constantly placed into social groups and around other youngsters. They need time to rest, to think, to wonder. The most significant factor in early childhood, from the point of will development, is the presence of clear rhythms in every day life. “Everything in the nature of rhythm and repetition strengthens the will.”

A Gospel Snapshot! Why Don’t Jews Believe In Jesus? Shouldn’t Jews Be Christians?

Jews don’t believe in Jesus because Christians live the same way Jews do: (1) by the law, and (2) looking for the future return of the Christ/Messiah. When Christians don’t embrace the gospel of the finished work of Christ, they live by the seat of their pants in some form of humanistic self-made theology. That’s why the first sermon of Jesus was to first change your from all other beliefs: “Repent and believe the gospel.” Christians should be living the New Testament only (II Cor 3:6). The Old was never meant for us (Rom 2:14).

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