Life After Death Is Eternal – How to Know for Sure You’re Going to Heaven
As a Christian believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe 100% in the accuracy and in the authenticity in the inspired Word of God, which is God breathed. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Legal Versus Legal-Historical: Contributions To Civilization!Legal is as important to law in civilized environs as legal-historical is to one of civilization’s most pressing problems: monotheism! Advantaging the cabal (code) in Bible language, tradition constantly hoodwinks and defrauds billions of people by promising entitlement and immortality.
Biblical Principles On BankingHave you ever thought about your decisions and how those decisions might affect your family lives? We must develop a mastermind thought process for long and short term decisions and benefits before procedures are implemented.
The Higher SelfYour higher self is the eternal, incorporeal, omnipotent, consciousness, which is your real self. It is the being that you go forth from and withdraw back to from life to life. It is the summation of all that you have ever been and all that you are. It is often called a higher self because the frequency of the energetic vibration of God and therefore your higher self could be interpreted as a much higher frequency than that of physical structure.
Tough Choices – The Easier, the Better?Most of us have faced tough decisions in life. We are often tempted to choose the easier way out of a predicament. But, how wise is that? Is there a better way to make tough, but courageous choices?
Suffering in a Christian’s LifeThe Book of Job answers the eternal question ‘Why me?’. Find out more through this article on God’s response to this million dollar question.
Are You Successful? Better Watch Out Then!What is your definition of success? In this article, discover what ‘true wealth’ really is and check if you are really wealthy.
Faith and Obedience – A Christian’s Travel Mates!Are you in search of yourself? Find out how to learn more about who you are by discovering God.
What is The Purpose of Investigating Spirituality?This may remind you to ask why you love anything, why do you have fun, why do eat, why do you cry or laugh? Gardens are delightful expressions of our connectedness with nature but the quiet pleasure is the spiritual connection our souls derive from being in tune with nature. Questioning the faculty of spirituality is akin to questioning our very existence because the spirit is the key to our existence. There are certain faculties out spirits crave, like love, inspiration, commitment and confidence through enhanced self-esteem. Thus, we are motivated to explore possibilities that may…
What a Faithful God We Serve!Has there ever been a time in your life when you have been let down or rejected by someone you trusted? I am positive all of us have experienced disappointment at some point in our lives and have also disappointed others by our choices and actions. As we study the Old Testament, we see how God honored Abraham’s faith by establishing a lasting covenant with him and his generations.
Invest Energy in Your Dreams and GoalsMaking your dream feel real, as if it’s already done is very attractive to the universe. First; dream the dream. Next; investigate what you need. Not in a needy way, but in a way that shows the universe that you are interested. It makes the path clearer to you, and the excitement is fueling the decision you have made.
Manifestation of Your Dreams Are Happening NowThe asking has been made, clarity is gained, belief and trust is certain and the manifestation is happening. Now we have to let go of everything, surrender our goals and dreams to God, and that has nothing to do with “giving up” anything, on the contrary, it is now that the creation really begins, and our job is to get out of our own way.