How Do I Stay Present with Difficult Family Members? | Eckhart Tolle

The Dawning of The New Renaissance

What is all this 2012 stuff about anyway? Did you hear that we are entering into a New Renaissance?

Secrets Religions Are Afraid To Disclose

Enlightenment is something that ‘new age’ people yearn for and ‘normal’ people laugh at…while ‘ascension’ has the religious people enraptured, the ‘new age’ people nodding wisely and the ‘normal’ people hoping they haven’t made a mistake that will result in them being left behind. As 2012 nears and dire predictions of planet-wide catastrophe are bandied about over the air waves, populations wonder what will happen-if anything.

How To Pray Effectively And Receive Answers

The power of prayer is indeed amazing, because its effect can occur any place in the world. Prayer is really man joining forces with the Divine. It is the limited teaming up with Omnipotence to get a job done. God and man working together is indeed an unstoppable force. Prayer is not just asking God to meet our needs. It is that, but so much more. Prayer is also seeking the Face of Almighty God to help another or others for whom we are concerned. Then again, prayer is working with God, praying out His plans and purposes into the earth, so that His Will would be done.

Psalm 64 – Protection From Hurtful Tongues

In our relational trials we can rest with some ease to know that nothing stands against us that stands against God. By our leaving it to God, they will come to glorify the dominion of HOLY ONE! Tongues may hurt but nothing like the final word of the LORD.

The Power of Surrendering to the Feelings of Fear and Terror

I surrendered to the intense feeling of terror that would not leave and I began to embrace it as a teacher. In the process, gifts emerged for me to reflect on and grow from. The support was there. All I had to do was lean into it.

How to Know If It’s Really God Speaking to You – Check Everything Against Scripture

Is there a way of knowing whether it was really God who spoke to you? I think there is but it involves a process. Find out what this process is.

What Shall It Profit A Man?

What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? This is a question that every Christian should ask himself. It’s very difficult to live in a world that seems to solely values money, instead of valuing a soul.

Your Blessings Are In Route

Have you ever waited so long on Jesus to answer your prayers that you thought your blessings would never come? Take heart, and know that your blessings are in route. I understand that waiting on Jesus to answer your prayers is one of hardest things to do, however it’s necessary for us to wait on the Lord.

Beautiful Churches in Washington and Seattle

Washington is a state situated in the Pacific Northwest region of United States. The largest city of Washington state is Seattle. Seattle is a beautiful major city situated in the northernmost part of United States.

Come on Baby, Light My Fire

“Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.” (Albert Schweitzer) Are you a fire starter, an igniter of others’ passions, a renewer of spirits, a breath of fresh air? Wait – before you answer, I want to remind you that you don’t have to speak to a large audience to inspire others. And you don’t have to author a best-selling book to touch people’s lives.

Begin to Accept Your Gift in Order to Trust and Live Your Spiritual Purpose

So you think that you may have a “Gift.” Or were born acknowledging that you had special talents, or everyone tells you that you are “gifted,” or your life provided a sudden upheaval that awakened talents within you that had been simmering or were previously latent.

Is Astral Projection Real? The Truth About Out of Body Experiences

Many skeptics believe that astral projection is just an experience created by our brains. There are many who have claimed that they can astral project, but is it real?

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