2 Things that GUARANTEE You Manifest Your Dream Life this YEAR!

Power-Filled Hospital Visits

Do you like making hospital visits? Most people don’t. Why? Because they feel powerless in such settings. Should you find yourself making a hospital visit, I want you to know that you are more powerful than you realize, and that power can be a great help and comfort to many people. It’s all about being mindful.

Truth, Unknowingness and the Mystery

Those who call themselves spiritual “seekers” often have a great appreciation for spiritual “unknowingness.” They approach their spiritual life with certain general beliefs, but when push comes to shove, they are in awe of the great mystery of the Divine, and are content to say, “I don’t know” regarding many spiritual questions. This attitude can be found among most “religious” groups, whether Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or others; and is most prevalent among “mystics.” This article investigates the joys and benefits of “spiritual unknowingness,” and speculates on why people from the “firm belief” camp tend to be less open minded regarding in their truths. It offers us a sampling of spiritual teachers who have been awed by the mystery of the Incomprehensible.

Create Your Desires With a Manifesting Altar

Do you want to add power and speed to your ability to manifest? Put down your scissors and glue. Manifesting with speed requires more than a few magazine pictures. Creating a Manifesting Altar will empower your desires.

Energy Healing – Is It For Real?

For many the idea of energy healing seems completely ludicrous. In our western world, medicine over the last 100 years has been dominated by pills and potions. The idea of taking a pill and having all your health problems disappear is truly appealing. Although its helped and healed a lot of people the shocking truth is that we’ve become so reliant on pills that an estimated 30% of the population relies on pills just to make it through the day.

Emotions: The Debrief That Pays Dividends

Emotions, we all have them. In fact the second mention of the heart in the Bible is in Genesis 6:5 where we are told God exhibits the emotion of grief over the disobedience and sin of man. Indeed we are made in the ‘image and likeness of God’ so it should be no surprise that we are a people with emotions. Some try to push their emotions down, while others let them out in all directions. But the fact is that emotions are part of our life whether we like it or not. We need to learn from them, and that is the point of this article.

5 Easy Astral Projection Steps

Astral Projection and Travel can be accomplished if you follow these 5 astral projection steps. Don’t worry though, if it doesn’t happen right away. Experiment a little and find your own path. 

Accepting God’s Grace

A lot of people are walking around feeling guilty about who they are. Yet life isn’t supposed to be like that. There is a better way to live. This article deals with the subject of what to do with that guilt. The answer is very clear. It is simply a matter of accepting it.

Open Eyes to an Epiphany

Have you ever had an experience when an epiphany happened…a time when all of life seemed bright and new? It happened the other day and was so unexpected.

Three Golden Steps of How to Know When It Is Time to Move On

Whether it is in a relationship, a job place, house or anything else in our lives that we are going through and seek something different there are means of deciphering when the right time is to move on to pastures new. The important fact to note here is moving on is not based on the physical action itself but that of the spirit. Unless we accept this fully then we cannot know when it is time to move on.

Call To A Higher Power

As human beings we have an inherent instinct of reacting to danger. We always want to look for the easiest way out. It is not a bad thing as it actually helps us avoid certain dangers like car accidents, unwarranted confrontations and other incidence that can be detrimental to our lives. Many stories have been told of people who escaped death by a whisker, when they narrate their stories they explain with great effort on how they managed to escape.

Shifting Your Frequency

When we move to do an energy clearing and have stirred up the pot so to speak, know that some of the energy that surfaces may have been buried within your energy body for years. While stirring the pot is good, it is a moment to be aware of, because if you react to any of that energy, as in allow it to have cause in your external actions, you remain attached to it. Energy shows as emotions which is energy in movement.

This Thing We Call Life

It’s sad how poorly people treat their fellowman. It doesn’t matter if it’s in church, at work, a cemetery, or a newspaper stand. At the gym, the store line your standing in, the red light that just turns green but you paused long enough for the person behind you to scream, to beep their horn with hands raised, as if you’ve killed their best friend and ruined their whole day.

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