I AM Prosperous & Abundant Affirmations~WEALTH While You Sleep! Reprogram Your Mind~Black Screen

New Direction

Tomorrow is not promised. Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Say Goodbye to procrastination and hello to your predestination.

Meditation While Walking

Walking has both physical and spiritual benefits. While taking a long walk use the time to free your mind of your current thoughts. These may be thoughts about what you perceive as your current problems at work or in relationships. It could be a story in your mind about bad things that may occur if you can’t pay a bill or you are out of work. It could be thoughts about something bad or good that happened in the past. Or even thoughts about something good you hope will happen in the future. Clear your mind by immersing it in the experience around you at exactly that moment. If you are able to walk where you can be exposed to nature then you can find that a source of comfort and a way to be able to stay in the present moment. When your egocentric mind tries to draw you back in with thoughts of the past and future refocus on the wonders of nature all around you. Even if you aren’t lucky enough to be in a park like setting perhaps there are still trees and other plants, small animals like squirrels and birds to focus on.

The Conversion Journey – The Beatitudes of Righteousness, Meekness, Peacemakers and Martyrs

Matthew Kelly wrote in his book Rediscovering Catholicism that we are all called to live “authentic lives”. This life means that from an almost infinite number of possibilities we chose one that will, with the help of God’s grace, result in each of us becoming the best version of ourselves, all each of us was meant to be. Living the Beatitudes will bring us to our goal of living an authentic life, that is, becoming the best version of the person we were meant to be.

Renunciation Of Desires

Desires in the mind are impediments in man’s progress towards a spiritual life. Man is unable to think clearly and positively because he is jumping from one desire to another.Give up irrational desires and win the game.

Leave It Behind

Promises. Sometimes we are the one making them and other times folks are making them to us. But have you ever had a promise from God?

Meditation Techniques For Beginners

Meditation Techniques For Beginners is for those who want to learn how to meditate and also relieve stress and tension within the physical and mental bodies. These techniques can help you with stress, tension, mental clarity, and over all well being.

Why I Am Not An Atheist OR a Theist

An analysis of why spiritual commitment is sometimes not the way to go. This is a personal, short and reasoned comparison between Atheism, Theism and Agnosticism.

Heal Yourself From the Inside Out

Once uncovered, the heart center produces a strong electromagnetic field that has the capacity to draw synchronicities, manifest a higher reality, and bring spiritual alignment. It heals emotional wounds, clarifies thoughts, strengthens health and mends relationships. The heart holds a timeless, non-linear form of intelligence that lives underneath thought forms and emotional needs. And it provides an elixir that we all long to drink from: Love.

Infinite or Infinitesimal?

Some say that either there is no God or that we are all God. If there were no higher power or God, then we, as well as everything else in the creation, would not exist – just like if there were no architects or builders, a house would never be constructed. Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings, nor in the future shall any of us cease to be’. Krishna goes on to explain that one difference between the Infinite and the infinitesimal (us) is that He can remember the details of all his births, past, present and future, and we can not remember any. In fact, if you asked most people what they were doing exactly at this same time the previous day, they can’t tell you, what to speak of years ago or in another lifetime. We are limited and God is unlimited.

The Secret of the Ganesha Purana

In the text, Lord Brahma reveals to Vyasa the key to composing the Ganesha Purana. He divulges two secret mantras that reward one with not only spiritual enlightenment, but material success as well. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, ‘All purposes served by a small well can at once be served by a great reservoir of water.’ Lord Ganesha contains the material and spiritual worlds in His belly. He is that great reservoir. When one is self-realized, there is no doubt of complete success, because one realizes that there is really no difference between the material and spiritual. It is only a matter of perception. This incongruity is rectified by either using an object for sense gratification or in the service of God. If one remembers the Lord in all of their undertakings, surely the finest outcome can be expected.

Realizing the Nature of the Soul

As presented in the Ganesha Purana, illustrious personalities like Vyasadev and Brahma had some difficulties in the performance of their own duties. Then what hope is there for us insignificant jiva’s? In order to gain clarification as to our own transcendental position, and duties associated therewith, we may begin to have a glimpse of the answer to this inquiry by observing the activities of these great souls. We have heard, read, or may have seen movies depicting God’s “chosen one’s” as having a direct experience of Godhead.

Separation From God

If we are to rid ourselves of the illusion of separation from God, then having full confidence in our eternal relationship with the Lord, and acting on that, is the key. Faith is the belief of something unseen, but we are not using ordinary anatomical vision to see the Lord. The eyes of spiritual understanding are known as sastra-chaksus, or seeing through the eyes of the Sastra.

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