The Facts About Emissaries Of Divine Light
Emissaries of Divine Light is a new age religious group that was originally established in 1932. The history of Emissaries of Divine Light as a religious order starts in 1932 when the group was formed.
Overcome Evil With Good – How to Rise Above AdversityI have been spitefully used. I am angry, hurt and frustrated. I want to hurt somebody. I want to see my enemy get theirs. Then, my husband reminds me – that is not a very Christ-like attitude. Now I am mad at him too. I need help to regain my quiet and gentle spirit.
Ascension Symptoms And SolutionsIndividual ascension revolves around the aura and chakras. With expansion of the chakras, or energy centers of the body, come many symptoms. Some of these ascension symptoms can include weight gain or loss, restlessness, anxiety, sleeplessness or sleeping too much, fatigue, vivid or lucid dreams including powerful nightmares.
The Great Masters: An Esoteric HistoryMention of the Great Masters or Great White Brotherhood evokes images of highly evolved beings, visiting the Earth to help man in his struggling attempts to realize his spiritual nature. Accounts of these seven beings have in fact been documented in spiritual traditions and ancient texts throughout the world. This account traces the Avatars through the years and their presence in Indian, Sufi, Hebrew, Greek, other European, and American traditions and texts–albeit under different names and faces.
We Come to You With Spirit’s Thoughts of Intent and ActionFor the purposes of this message I would tell all of you it is okay to have an ego; an ego that is full of love and knowledge that all of you are good, pure, light-beings on the planet. Whether you are young or older really makes no difference. It is the younger ones who have the biggest advantage because they can now learn that their words and their voices are going to be responsible for the wealth and growth of the society that is yet to come.
The Best New Year’s Resolution: Put God’s Love FirstThis New Year’s Day, forget about plans to get fitter, lose weight, give up smoking and drinking. There is one New Year’s resolution that will take care of all the rest and make you a better person in 2011. Vow to love the Lord your God with all your heart. This is the most important commandment in the Bible and holds that position for a very good reason. From the love of God pour all the other blessings for a good and healthy life. As the spirit of love grows inside you you will benefit from feelings of temperance, humility, generosity and peace. A pure, natural joy of life will soon follow as will all the things that make you a happier person.
Why the Meditations of Our Heart Should Be Declared VerballyMost times when we think of something, a new plan, a dream or a thought, which we believe could shape our future and bestow our needs we often fail to declare this verbally because we are scared of what the outcome might be. Unfortunately in this fear we are taking away the strength in the plan or dream from becoming a reality.
How to Cope With DefeatDefeat can be frustrating, humiliating, annoying and depressing. It can be even more when we realize there is very little we can do about it. However defeat also has other positive characteristics that are not so apparent when we first face it. These characteristics are part of the healing process when we face defeat. They build our minds and enable us cope with the situation in spite of the circumstances.
Zen and RealityWhat would happen if the world were about to end? Would Zen be relevant? Here is an answer/viewpoint.
Banishing SpellsBefore we get started discussing the use of banishing spells, I would like to take a quick moment to remind everyone about the correct use of white magic and Wicca. The most crucial factor to remain aware of is that of the most basic Wiccan rede and that is – “Harm None.”
Life’s Surprising Twists, Turns or DetoursNo one really knows what tomorrow brings. The best laid out plans can go awry in an instant. Such is Life’s reality. This does not mean that we go through Life each day anticipating the worst. Today, we are lucky to be able to get information at our finger tips. There is a rising awakening of awareness of the world within and around.This encourages us to be in tune with our inner being, to learn to appreciate the blessings of each day, to be kind to our environment, to find peace and love. And many more reasons for being.
Elevator Dreams – What Do They Mean?What do elevators in dreams mean? This article gives two examples of elevator dreams and explains what they mean. Many people will have elevator dreams in the near future, as we are entering a time of unprecedented spiritual growth. Going up (ascending) in an elevator in a dream can be very confirming, particularly during these difficult times.