The Word Became Flesh – Power Came In His Name
The Incarnation… God in flesh… a babe is born, but not just any babe. This is Immanuel, the prophesied Christ-child. He came for a purpose above all secondary purposes: to give us power in his name; the redemption path back to the Father. RESTORATION was that purpose.
The True Essence of ChristmasChristmas is a religious festive celebrated by Christians every December 25th. In this article, i will be sharing the true essence of celebrating Christmas.
Being Religious Vs Being SpiritualAs I see it, being a religious person is more often than not confused with being a spiritual person. Some people are of the opinion that anyone who is religious is automatically a very spiritual person, automatically, a God fearing person who can do and say no wrong at all. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be farther from the truth.
Faith Is Not Just a WordFaith is not just a word; it is a code to live by. Many people say they have it, but a lot of the time it is not lived up to or abide by. True faith is true belief in your Higher Self and the power of Spirit. We bring this to your attention for the purposes of your personal growth. With a world that is being challenged, individual lives are caught in the turmoil.
God Is No Stranger to Our SufferingCan it just be that God has authored suffering? Is it perhaps the most rarefied message to us; the Lord has ushered the beginning of the end this very way? If this is the truth – and it resounds eternally through biblical theology – then God knows more intimately about our suffering than we will ever know.
Spiritual LivingEssentially, the 1st issues that you need to do are to think with a divine intelligence and dismiss the benefit of quantity. Quite often, people mistake quantity as the foundation for richness and value. However, it’s exactly the reverse of it.
Moses’s Ten Commandments Verses The Mafia’s Ten CommandmentsThe battle of right and wrong, has gone on since the beginning of mankind. The tugging of good and evil has tortured many of souls. What’s surprising is the ten commandments in two of the most popular of these groups, are quite similar.
Symptoms Of A Spiritual AwakeningThere are very few of us that are not seekers. The need to seek is what makes us human. But very few know where to look and even fewer make the attempt to figure out that our hunger is a spiritual hunger…a hunger to awaken to the mystery that we once knew. A hunger to belong. A hunger to return to that place our soul knows as home.
Where Is Your Faith? Resolutions, Intent or God’s WordAs the celebration of Christmas is upon us and families gather around the tree to celebrate the season, many will ponder a New Year’s resolution. Churches will assemble on the eve of the New Year to give God thanks for His blessings of the past year.
Christian Social Networking Sites Are the New WaveChristian social networking sites are starting to make themselves known through the incredible clutter that is found in the world of social media and social networking. There are thousands of different websites that are aimed at helping individuals to be social. As time goes on, more and more niches are carved to meet the needs of the public.
Adam and Eve – Meaning Behind the StoryThe real meaning behind the story of Adam and Eve. The origin of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. The return to innocence is the recognition that good and bad are concepts and not real. They are not absolutes.
Am I a Freemason?Have you ever thought about becoming a Freemason? Has anyone ever asked you if you are a Freemason? Many men who join masonry do so because they were asked by a good friend to join; in asking, their friend has often done just enough to ignite that little spark of curiosity in the individual.