The Best HEART BREAK Advice That Will Change Your Life (& help you heal)

An Interview With Self-Realization Fellowship’s Brother Brahmananda

TIS: First of all, I wanted to offer my condolences on the passing of Sri Daya Mata. BB: Thank you very much. It’s been nine days now.

Why We Should Always Value Ourselves Greater Than The Sum Of Our Circumstances

What sort of circumstances are you in right now? Good or bad you should get down on your knees and thank God for them. Being grateful to God for the bad stuff is as important as thanking him for the good. We are who we are thanks to God’s creative skills, and God would not waste His time producing something that was anything less than remarkable. So you are remarkable. Forget about the superficial, but look deep within your heart and soul. How wonderful it all is. By letting that amazing sense of the grandness of God’s design, and feeling part of it, you suddenly sense the true worth of your life. It is beyond price.

It Doesn’t Matter How Life Is Going, As Long As We Remember To Thank God

This is the bottom line of Christian spirituality, that it’s not what you do that matters to God, but how you do it. When we are born we have in us the potential for a thousand different careers. What we end up with sometimes doesn’t suit us completely and we long for something else. But that “something else” isn’t necessarily going to be right either if our heart is in the wrong place. Colossians 3.17 says, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” If we dedicate our service to God, it makes life a lot easier.

Poor in Geography

Philippines is an archipelago located between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, east of Vietnam, and north of Sabah and Borneo. It spans 1900 kilometers from north to south, 1110 from east to west. Here is my country, my native land.

How Can We Help Ourselves By Helping Others?

We live in a cynical age when promoting ourselves seems to be more important than helping others. But Galatians 6.8 says “the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Where we spend eternity is determined by the way we behave now. This isn’t good news for all those who prefer to line their own pockets, invest in their own bad habits and feather their own nests. Better to look outward into the community to help those who are less well off.

The Meaning Behind the Love of Christ

Jesus the Christ loved so much to the point of giving up his precious life. Biblical narratives tell us that both religious and political authorities conspired to put an end to the life of this man committed to heal the sick, feed the hungry, free the prisoners and announce God’s word of life and hope.

The First Step of Practices Towards the Nirvana: Understand and Believe in the Four Noble Truths

Generally speaking, a seeker must continuously learn right knowledge about spiritual advancement and the truth and practice in everyday life. You can advance your spirituality only if you keep practicing with your strong beliefs in spirituality and the truth. If you keep doing right things, you shall be fully spiritually awakened. We recommend you to follow the three steps of practice. The three steps have been used as the best process to advance your spirituality. When you went through these three steps, you are supposed to not only learn important knowledge about the truth and meditations but also experience the eternal truth of the Nirvana. Unless we are not released from the strong feeling of attachment or materialistic desires, we will have to live in pain without spiritual awakening. In order to understand this statement, we need right knowledge and practices. We call such knowledge as the four noble truths. Therefore, understanding the four noble truths is the first step towards your spiritual advancement which ultimately will give you eternity in the Nirvana.

The Holiday Season, A Multi-Dimensional Perspective

A Happy Holiday Season to all. Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, A Joy-filled Kwanzaa, Festive Pancha Ganapati and serene and soulful Winter Solstice. Whatever holiday you observe, I wish you a festive celebration and peaceful and fulfilling New Year!

Using Our Stories Wisely

Bible study is a vital part of growing in Christ and as a leader there is a fine balance between instilling knowledge by using Bible illustrations and our own stories of God’s redemptive work in our lives. We all have a story to tell of how God has, and still is, working in our lives. As facilitators of a small group we need to be wise in how we balance teaching and group interaction, including our own.

Essential Values for Bible Study Group

Having bible study group members agreeing to these basic values will increase attendance, participation and confidentiality. Agreeing to these principles will also foster spiritual growth and maturity.

Where Is God In Your Unrelenting Pain?

It is hard to write something from the heart of experience to people in genuine joy-repealing pain. It’s an inherently personal thing, pain. What is a four-out-of-ten on one person’s ‘pain register’ is going to be an eight or nine on another’s. This article derides cliche.

Tips For Improving Your Leadership of Your Ministry

A few years ago I took a temperament test and, not surprisingly, my results show that I have a strong teaching gift. Many of the positive characteristics I could cheerfully claim as my own. However, the downside to this gift literally made me pause and think about how this impacts those in my small group.

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