Guided Sleep Meditation & Affirmations Wayne Dyer Recited. Reprogram Your Mind For Faith & Trust.

Heart of the King – Prophetic Focus for 2011 and Beyond

There is a growing restlessness impacting Believers in this season. Men and women are hungry for the reality of God in their lives. This hunger is a gift of grace from the Holy Spirit as He prepares the Church of Christ for the last day movements of God before His Son returns.

Essential Meditation Tips For Beginners

Learning the basics of meditation is easy. However, there are a few key things that you should never forget!

Astral Projection Machine

Astral projection is a true wonder. The most out-of-body experience that you can have on this planet during lifetime. Nevertheless the journey of discovering astral have begun more than five thousand years ago. Continuing today more and more people want to learn about astral projection and its power. What’s most trilling about astral is that you can perform time travel. You can travel back in time as well as in future. What makes it so exciting is the power of the travel machine, known as Astral Projection Machine.

The Miracle of a Healing Touch

Jesus said that believers will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, yet far too many Christians don’t believe in the miracle of the healing touch. Others believe that healing can only occur within the church building and only after the word is preached on healing. What I want to explore in this article is the non-traditional healing touch that can occur anywhere there is one who believes in healing.

It’s Life Jim, But Not As We Know It – Life and the Soul in Vedanta, Samkhya and Science

What is life? At what level starts life? At the cellular level or at a lower level? Is there a need for a Godly spark, a Soul? Or is all inanimate matter in fact alive (animism) or merely a thought of an all pervading consciousness (panpsychism)? These issues will be discussed in the light of the Indian Vedantic and Samkhya philosophies vs. modern biomolecular sciences.

Manifesting Your Sonship

Your destination as a child of God is glory, if you don’t know your destination, you never get there. There are five steps you must take for your manifestation to be seen.

Restoration of Glory in Personality (Character)

Holiness is one way of revealing the glory of God. You cannot achieve holiness all by yourself; for your righteousness is like a filthy rag before God. But you have been made holy, blameless and unreproveable before God. For you to manifest the glory of God in character, you must know His personality.

A Strength Worth Fighting For

When you think no one cares… someone does. Just waiting to help you over the toughest obstacle you have ever faced in your life are people who have the compassion of Jesus Christ. For they “will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Humanity’s Indelible Spiritual Identity

We’re connected not just via the anatomy and physiology of our red blood cells, eyes and hands. Human connection is established through our eternal hope – the idea that we’re birthed from a mother, that we die one day, and the fact that our spirits come from God and return there.

Strange Things Are Happening

Changes are occurring; people are disappearing from one vibration and re-appearing in another, shifting to other points on the electromagnetic grid that defines the energy field of the planet. Each of us occupies an origin point that anchors us into a place we have in this incarnation, but that point is not stationary and can change its location in relation to the levels of the consciousness in which it resides.

An Appointment With Disappointment

Disappointment is one appointment we don’t have to keep. We don’t have to own it and we don’t have to remain in that place of sadness and defeat. There is a far greater way to lift our heads and keep going without looking back and without regret.

Forgive Us Our Debts

Debt is everywhere. If you think I mean debt as in credit cards, I do. But, not just debt as in owing money, but also debt as in owing anything at all to anyone, anywhere.

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