5 Things You Should Know About The New Moon & ECLIPSE – (October 25, 2022)

Beings of Love

Our greatest lesson on Planet Earth is to remember who we are and to remember what love is. In order to do this we must relinquish judgment, and release the wounds we have created because of it.

Books – Our Friends

The friends are like books – they could be adventurous, guiding, romantic, thrilling, science-fiction, historic, healthy, etc., etc. Be aware of the science-fiction’s ones – they could be false.

Pushing Through Life in The Tough Times Will Make The Future Easier

Pushing through life during the very tough times will make the normal tough times seem easy. Life is all about how you reflect on it and react to it. If you choose to stay in a mode of thoughts that says life is impossible then you will find it to be that way.

Acts 2:1-13 – The Holy Spirit Comes

We saw in Acts 1 the events leading up to the ascension of Jesus, and the process of the disciples choosing a replacement for Judas, who betrayed Jesus. I believe the key theme in Acts 1 is Jesus instructing the disciples to return to Jerusalem and wait upon the Holy Spirit, which the Father had already promised. As they are in prayer in the upper room, in a very sudden manner that promised appeared.

Acts 1: Wait for the Holy Spirit

Welcome to the exhilarating story of the early church, and how it was born. The Acts of the Apostles should really be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit, because what we’re seeing here is how the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and how the Gospel quickly spread in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to all the earth. Birth of the Church

Lights Out, End Times and Revelation

When all times end, all lights will be turned off, according to Revelation 6. Those who lived in western Kentucky in February of 2009 experienced lights out because of an ice storm. However, the residents were not in total darkness because at night there were still stars.

Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Brother/Sister Hood of Light

The New Age of Aquarius has given us the new Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics. These laws tell us that all is energy and all is connected.

Engaging in Spiritual Warfare

We are not aware of it, but we are engaging in spiritual warfare every time we encounter an unfavorable problem or circumstance. Contrary to what people may believe, spiritual warfare is simply a way for good to outweigh the bad and create positive solutions to challenges we face.

Living Holy – 5 Reasons Why YOU Can’t Do It

While much is written and preached about Holiness in our churches, Church members are quick and proud to testify to the life of Holiness they live.  I think holiness is a lot like humility, the moment you realize how humble you are, that’s when you cease to be humble.

God’s Worth Gets Us Through Life

More important than all things is the Sovereign worth of God. There is nothing of actuality that can or does come into our lives that overrides this… nothing.

The Genuine Fortunate Son

“The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want” is how the twenty third Psalm of David starts, and that will be the topic for this article. The lord of our immediate lives or our subconscious mind power and not being in want in any genuine sense when we genuinely use it right.

A Child’s Prayer

Building a relationship with GOD should not be overlooked. We start with a simple prayer and we grow as we learn. No one can step in for you all the time and should not become your only source for prayer with GOD. We learn to cheer loud at special events and that same effort should carry over in our spiritual life and prayer life.

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