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There Is Much Love and Guidance Available to You

There is much love and guidance that comes to you. Most of the time you will not feel it, but there is a bounty of opportunity flowing with it. Spirit wants you to heal. In fact, healing is one of the main thrusts to the energy flow around you. It allows for personal growth to take place at a much more rapid pace, filling you with more joy and balance than you might have thought possible. Find out the rest of Spirit’s thoughts by reading the full article.

Getting Full (In Christ) Yet?

We have much more to be thankful of in this life than we could ever truly present thanks for. This helps us see the light of fullness in the matter and state of being in Christ.

Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Basic Roots of Organics

We have entered the Age of energy. Organics is a spiritual teaching based on energy. It is a light, a lamp, a road map that will lead you out of the darkness of the Age of Pisces and into the light of the Age of Aquarius.

How to Get the Most Out of Bible Study, Part 1

How do we get the most out of our Bible study? Individual Bible study requires time and patience. Finding time is often times not easy in our busy lives, but if we just commit to small steps, we will gain a hunger and thirst for His Word that will consume us. We’ll want to be in God’s Word rather than watch TV or chat online. The best part is that God will richly bless you. The 10 Steps to Observing what you’re reading in the Bible.

How To Walk Close to God

God loves you and has made the way for you to walk close to Him. He is very interested in the affairs of your life. Most of all, He is interested in you. You are constantly on His heart and mind and He is ever longing for fellowship with you. How can you develop in your relationship with Him? The answer is simple, yet very profound.

Practical Spirituality: Reclaiming the Warrior

During this millennium it is time to reclaim the old warrior spirit and to become compassionate warriors. The compassionate warrior fights the battle on two fronts with one being more important than the other. The first and most important, is the battle within. The compassionate warrior stands against her most dangerous enemy: the maladaptive thoughts, ideas and fantasies planted within herself through socialization. These are the ideas that make us into hungry ghosts who can only find satisfaction by looking outside of ourselves and consuming. These ideas make us find very temporary satisfaction and self esteem through the attainment of material things and power over other people and objects. At the same time they cause us to ignore the beauty, the power, the majesty that exists within ourselves already.

Intuition, Love and Making Miracles

There are only two ways to live your life – one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle. I choose the latter. Albert Einstein.

The Universe Has Eyes

It is easy for us to think that our actions, thoughts and emotions are our business, that no one need know what’s going on in our inner life. This could not be further from the truth. As Emerson said: ‘What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.’ In other words, we are constantly broadcasting who we are, even when we are not speaking.

What Is Faith?

Find out what faith really is and how you could develop spiritually to the point where miracles are possible through you. We reveal what Jesus meant when He said “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you could command the mountain to be cast into the sea and it would obey”.

The Mount Olivet Discourse and Revelation

An article could never give all the information about the Mount Olivet discourse and Revelation. That requires volumes. However, the article will tell you how you can get your own copy of a wonderful study of Revelation that contains many pages about Matthew 24 and the Olivet discourse.

Numerology – The Life Path Number and Its Definitions

Every one of us has the life path number. This number can tell us who we are and describe our character. The life path number is very important in numerology and it is very easy to calculate it. In this article you will learn how to calculate your life path number and you will read definitions of all the numbers from one to nine.

Fast From Wrong Thinking

Wrong thinking affects your health, wealth, relationships, joy, peace and every areas of your life. These negative thoughts will develop strongholds that will control you. Fear will develop and lead to destruction.

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