Miraculous Benefits of Consuming Honey | Sadhguru

The Multiplicity Blessing

Whenever I hear the words “wealth” and “prosperity” in Christian settings I’m usually pretty suspicious. I’m not a believer in material abundance in the spiritual realm – only ‘enough to get the work done’ is my motto. It is sad that the clamour and acquisition for material riches is even linked with the following subject, because God’s nature is to multiply – blessings, and not specifically material wealth (although that can and does happen at times).

What Is Success to You May Not Be The Same For Others

What is success? For you it might be paying your bills each month, while for someone else that may seem like a huge failure without a large surplus at the end. Perhaps just waking up in the morning is a rousing success for someone. It is all up to the individual based on their choices and needs. Life is always full of hope and promise. This is the first part of a message from the Egyptian, who has referred to himself as Saint Paul during his incarnated life.

If There Is A God Why Does He Not Do Something About What Is Going On Around Us And Across The World

When it comes to religion and faith and spirituality and inspiration there can be a lack of basic honesty and piles of hype! Sometimes we think that God is far away, and we will do almost anything to bring Him near or to make Him appear near. If we ever do think God might be far away, then we know who has moved. This is a conversation with God which is so true to life and it is so revealing, and sometimes when we see the truth concerning ourselves, we run away and hide.

Inner Harmony Comes When You Elevate Your Mood

Inner harmony comes when you learn to elevate your mood by embracing the power of your Higher Self. Many times we pulse messages to you through intuitive feelings. It is a safe way to have those, in spirit, give you guidance in a format that does not seem intimidating. There is a fine balance that unites the physical and heavenly worlds. This message was channeled from a high level spirit who calls himself, Leonardo.

Great Advice Regarding Spirituality

We are bombarded with advertisements every day. These advertisements want us to buy things which do not last. Are there things that last, that do not grow old with time? There are. Find out what these are in this article.

Have You Ever Had A Conversation With Almighty God And What Type Of Conversation Was It?

A man can be so arrogant that he can go as far as saying, “Nothing will shake me, and nothing will move me spiritually. I will never have bad times when I will have to cry out for God. I’ll look after myself.” Some people consider themselves to be untouchable, and they enjoy temporary physical prosperity. The arrogant act as if they have some kind of immunity and even a contempt for Almighty God can be displayed. Why do men not seek Almighty God, when all Jesus Christ has for people is mercy and forgiveness and grace and healing and guidance, and so much more. God sees and hears much more than we like to think. God sees and hears everything.

Pride Can Be A Very Real Hindrance And Drawback To Our Spiritual Growth, Development, And Maturity

Have you ever had a very personal conversation with Almighty God? The writer speaks about their boasting. It mentions how covetous they are. This Psalm goes on to describe evil men. They want what they do not need. They are greedy and always wanting grasp more and more. Have we not experienced that over these past three or four years in the financial and economic and banking world? Nevertheless, be encouraged to remain faithful and loyal to Almighty God and serve those around you as Jesus Christ guides and leads and strengthens.

Archangel Gabriel – Speak Your Truth (Angel of Mercy)

Archangel Gabriel whose name means “God is my Strength” is one of the most powerful of all Angelic messengers. Communication is one our greatest gifts. When asked, the Archangel will become your “Agent” highly encouraging you past procrastination, self-doubt and fear of taking the next step.

Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides

The majority of Americans believe in guardian angels or spirit guides. Do you believe in guardian angels or spirit guides? If you believe in angels or spirit guides do you ask them when you need assistance to navigate the vicissitudes in life – something overwhelming or simply unpleasant? If not, why not?

How Magick Is Related to Telekinesis

Magick has been around for a while. Though it has faded to the background, it has far from disappeared. In-fact, it even has evolved some to fit the times, and become a whole new practice.

Spirit Works on Peaceful Moments For You

In spirit, we work on peaceful moments for you. This is the way you should be looking at your life too. Take one moment at a time and make it a soft, tranquil episode. Before you know it, you will be stringing many moments together and creating a day of relaxing emotions and events. From that point, the world is unlimited in potential for you.

America’s Good Karma – Can It Protect Her?

What are the predictions for America? Should America breath easier? If there is another war will she be victorious?

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