How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking | Eckhart Tolle

Humanity In Diaspora

Man is essentially spirit, fleetingly body, and eternally a soul. The spirit of man is ever seeking to fathom and discern his purpose, essence, reason, habitation, and the wider world that defines his existence.

Thousand Secret Names of Goddess Shakthi: Lalitha Sahasranama – Part I

In this sacred text thousand names of Holy Mother has been systematically arranged in a secret manner. The letters are so arranged that each name is protected with twenty four sutras called salakshara sutras. No letter can be inserted nor altered in this sacred text. One who recites these thousand names gets wealth, health and ultimately the salvation.

Poor Souls Prayers: How They Help Get the Poor Souls to Heaven Faster

The living are the Church Militant, the poor souls are the Church Suffering, and those in Heaven are the Church Glorified. Our DUTY as part of the Church Militant is to pray for the Church Suffering, a.k.a, the Poor Souls. When a person dies and is judged to go to Purgatory (to be purged of their sins as no unclean soul can enter Heaven), they are given a set time for their stay in Purgatory, but they don’t know the time frame nor the stages of pain they must endure during their stay. The time frame is known only to God, but they are ASSURED of one thing, that they will one day be in Heaven with God and the elect! For this reason, and this reason alone, when a soul is blessed to be given the opportunity to either go to Purgatory or to be put back in their soul on earth, they ALWAYS choose Purgatory.

Confessions – Untapped Secret of Success in Life

Have you been working very hard with no success in view? You have done all you know but the key to success seem to be missing. I have good news for you today; the untapped secret of success in life is confession. Confessions are like mortar binding up all your effort for speedy results. Learn more about this key in this article…

Ham = Kham = Khem

  Webster’s dictionary defines alchemy as a medieval science aiming to achieve the transmutation of base metals into gold. For centuries Middle age scientist worked to no avail to achieve this great feat of turning cheap metals into the most precious metal on earth. Unbeknownst to these ambitious men was the reality that the alchemical work was not an actual process to be carried out inside of a laboratory.

When Taking A Spiritual Approach To Life Can Be Detrimental In Moving Forward

Having a spiritual view in life is always beneficial to the way you adjust to the ups and downs in life, but when it’s the only way you see life then it can cause emotional and mental discomfort longer than it should. That might sound ironic because often times people have epiphanies and light bulb moments by adding the spiritual dimension to a problem. And seeking spiritual comfort can be the difference between life and death, or emptiness and fulfillment.

Lifelong Discipleship

Contrary to what many people think, discipleship is not just a one time thing. While discipleship is especially important for new believers, it does not end after learning the basics of Christ’s teachings. Discipleship is a process, a lifelong process that begins at conversion but never ends.

Laughing With Jesus, an Unlikely Encounter

I had distance myself from Christianity and although I believed in a Higher Power, the Source, I had not cracked a bible in some time. I have had several Jesus encounters that were life changing and no matter what religion someone might be, the message is universal and timely. The world is changing fast and clinging to out worn beliefs will cause mood disorders for many.

How Cutting Cords Of Attachment Affects Your Day To Day Life

Cord Cutting is spiritual healing that deals with the negative patterns between you and another person. That person doesn’t have to be someone you have major issues with; it may be someone currently in your life who you love dearly. Or it may be someone who has died.

Is Celibacy Coercion? Sensual Satisfaction

Dictated celibacy adds authoritative coercion leading to separation. Imposed restraints refocuses sensual drives. Morality relates to conduct emerging from character, always the greater good? Chronic loneliness affects the way a person thinks and feels. Healthy, friendly relationships challenges the stronghold of loneliness.

Have A Sense Of Value

People are stressed up not necessarily because of problems of life, but because of poor attitude; attitude of murmuring and complaining. And often times, they complain because of covetousness and greed. But the Bible says, “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content” (1 Tim 6:8).

Deep Silence: Antidote to War and Fanaticism?

The depths of the ocean is total stillness. The surface can be choppy and tempestuous. But the deep ocean is very still.

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