Proverbs 10 – Wisdom to Expand Our Lives
Special theses call for broad minds. The commonplace ‘fear of the LORD’ – commonplace in biblical circles anyway – is perhaps the most misunderstood of all concepts in the Divine realm. This fear of the LORD does not limit us and our opportunities; instead it quickly expands them. Our territories are broadened when we impact our worlds with God’s wisdom (1 Chronicles 4:10, a.k.a. the Jabez prayer).
Real Profound Spirituality Is Described In Such A Relevant Practical Way And The Goal Is FruitHere is spirituality of the very highest level. In fact, you cannot get higher or deeper spirituality anywhere than we have here. This is a spirituality which is to be experienced and enjoyed, but it is not solely for self or for selfish reasons. It is for service. If only the world could see that – that peace comes from the Father through Jesus Christ. That is part of the message we have to share with a needy terrified frightened world. Men will seek peace, and march for peace, and even demonstrate for peace, but here we understand how peace is given and imparted. One of the reasons that made Jesus such a good teacher was that he used visual aids. It is as we move into John Chapter 15 that we come to the last picture Jesus used in His teaching.
Proverbs 11 – Direction to God and for LifeMany find the path to life and to God through obscure and even oblique means. Indeed, most do. It is no straightforward adventure, this thing called life. In theory it is, but then the theory is easier studied than lived out.
Here Is Spirituality Of The Highest Level – It Is Impossible To Find Deeper Spirituality AnywhereJesus goes on to tell His men and explain to His men exactly what is going to happen. He wants them to know. He wants them to be aware of the facts, so that they will believe! Jesus goes on to tell His men and explain to His men exactly what is going to happen. He wants them to know. He wants them to be aware of the facts, so that they will believe! Jesus now explains that the devil is coming. Jesus tells us the nice parts and also the not so nice parts. This is spiritual reality in all its fullness.
Proverbs 10 – A Free Life Is a Disciplined LifeThe essence of humility follows the self-disciplined person. Possibly life has taught them some very cruel lessons and instead of rebelling against something that can never be beaten, the person has decided to become a student of diligence in this existence we know as life.
What Happens When God Becomes Your DebtorI read about a military pilot who along with others were trained to respond to calls with immediate obedience no matter their present engagements. He was so trained that one day while on furlough, he ran out of a restaurant with his food in hand when he heard a buzzer. It was recorded of him that he served the military so well that at the time of retirement, the government was indebted to him, for they could no longer pay his salaries and allowances. This reminds me of the call of Jesus to His first followers; they had immediacy in their response to His call. The call of these fishermen was abrupt, yet they immediately left their nets and followed Him. Jesus has authority over all creatures and so when He extended His call, these men jumped to obey because helping people enter the kingdom of God was a more compelling adventure and a grander vision than catching fish.
Why Most Christians Are Nominal ChristiansHas it occurred to you that 1 out of 3 persons in the world is a Christian, supposed to be a follower of Christ? And yet we are in a mess. Wars, criminality of all sorts, drug abuse, rape, environmental degradation, terrorism: all these are our daily lot. Why is this so, if there are so many Christians in the world, 2 billion of them? The answer may be found in this article.
Jabez – The Prayer of Pain?I was studying on Jabez the other day. Not really studying, I guess. Just surfing the internet reading a bit here and a bit there. See, I don’t believe that there is anything magical about Jabez. But, I believe there is wisdom in the word and anytime we concentrate our attention on a minute bit of scripture we start to see things in a new light and understand God in a different way.
How Should We As Christians Respond to Halloween?Is Halloween just a night of fun or is it truly a celebration of the dead and a night when dark forces are stirred up to wreak havoc on society throughout the world? Read this article, do your own research, and you decide which it is.
Proverbs 10 – Dates With HonestyLife is best lived plainly without reprise to ‘the common complication’. This common complication is the lie, which we’re all (more of less) routinely apt at plying.
Finding Grace – For Personal Healing and WholenessGod has trimmed out for us our very own tailor-made outfit of grace accordant to our very exacting needs. This grace works in an eternal frame; it fits with our pasts, our presents and our futures. But we will only ever know this grace – and receive its fullest possible measure – if we go boldly, without fear of cost or encumbrance.
Networking, Spiritual and Worldly – Part TwoFollowing from Spiritual and Worldly Networking, this article deals with the spiritual side of networking. Mother Earth, or Gaia as she is commonly known, needs all the support and help she can get. What can you do to contribute to helping our beloved Earth Mother today?