What is God? | Eckhart Tolle Explains

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? Isn’t your mere existence a miracle? Spirit certainly sees it that way. This is one of the reasons we don’t want you to dismiss your importance. If you ever find yourself getting so exasperated that you think it would be easier for you on the other side, remember that not having you on the earth plane would leave a large void for the people in your life. You will understand more after reading the rest of this article.

Dance With The Illumination of Angels As Your Partner

Dance with the illumination of angels as your partner. You are perfect and pure. Life is without permanent sorrow, however, it is full of permanent choices. Happiness can replace fear, frustration and sadness at any given point. Sometimes, it seems to happen without you realizing it. Find out more by reading the rest of this channeled message.

Proverbs 8 – Wisdom Speaks of God’s Gift

We find it strange to conjure thought of something coming from where Wisdom comes; always there, eternally. As God was, is and is to come… so was, is and will be, Wisdom. And still Wisdom is presenting us the greatest gift…

Signs of Spiritual Awakening – Meaningful Dreams That Guide

One of the signs or symptoms of spiritual awakening is experiencing meaningful dreams that guide you on your path. Intense, vivid dreams that seem to point you in a certain direction are one way your higher self uses to guide you, and a dream that’s meaningful to you helps you notice what your higher self wants you to notice. A real-life example of this sign of awakening is given in this article.

The Equalising God

A life like this favours not one over another. No kings are so gifted not to be apportioned cancer. No pauper is guaranteed misery all their life, for joy is invented within. No one can predict blessing to come into their lives.

Harnessing Your Faith When Facing Life’s Greatest Challenges

Do you know that the Lord will not fail to respond to your faith? Do you know that faith is the knowing within that believes Truth (the Eternal) no matter what is appearing before the 5 senses (the temporary)? Is your faith in working order?

Weapon Of Violence And The Two Brothers

Weapons are good or bad depending on what they are in the hand of the person holding them and the purpose for which they are meant. Violence is a word that humanity forbids as far as possible because most time, wherever it is mentioned or its corresponding actions shown forth; it is usually not palatable.

Tibetan Singing Bowls – The Significance of Tibetan Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls have strong religious significance in Tibetan Bon Po shamanistic religion along with Buddhist cultures of Asia. These bowls have recently acquired international reputation since it is a useful device related with yoga, natural healing therapy and a basis for personal serenity. It really is a powerful practice device employed by most of the Buddhist monasteries.

Your Temperament Is Pivotal In Creating a Happy Life

Your temperament is pivotal in directing where your life will head. The more even-keeled and fair-minded you can be, the more you will find it easier to waft through the ups and downs of ordinary occurrences. Balance is everything, whereas over emoting will cause some dramatic swings in your mood; not to mention the way people interact with you.

What Can I Learn From the Greatest Risk Takers in the Bible?

The greatest biblical characters are known to be risk-takers. Even in the midst of uncertainty, fear and danger, they go forward. They are capable of giving up comfort, power, prestige and security. And they even risk their reputation, future and own lives as they face what lies ahead. Both the Old and New Testaments are replete with exemplary figures that I can learn from when it comes to taking risks.

Allow Your Soul to Dance With Angels!

Allow your soul to dance to the sounds of angels! You can be happy! There is an inborn reverberation of life within the porous walls of your soul. It wants to seep out and be everywhere, causing you to smile even when a smile may feel impossible.

God and the Large Hadron Collider

There is a popular misconception that science and religion are fundamentally at odds with one another. I beg to differ – both disciplines are based on theories about what causes various observable phenomena, and both require an element of faith to activate understanding.

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