5 Things You Should Know About The Full Moon (December 7, 2022)

The Dorje Vajra

The Vajra, or Dorje is a Buddhist symbol representing the nature of reality. Vajra is a reality wisdom, wisdom of equanimity, and all-accomplishing wisdom complementing at the other side. The significance of the symmetry of this symbol is to illustrate the unification of relative and absolute truth.

The Amazing Secrets of Mudras

Here’s exactly what you need to know if you are just getting started with mudras. We’ll be discussing what is a mudra, the benefits of mudras, and some basic mudra gestures to get you started. After reading this article you will have a general understanding of mudras and how to apply them in your life.

Learning to Love the Tarot Court Cards

As we develop and grow in our Tarot reading strength and ability, we inevitably come face to face regularly with the 16 Court cards that lurk within every deck. These, I would say, are likely the most difficult cards to get to know and the cards that most readers (professional or beginners) at some point have inwardly groaned at when they appear in a reading.

How To Make Your Dreams A Reality With Positive Thinking

Humans are dreamers. You, I, and everyone else on this planet all have dreams – visions of what we would like to happen. People we would like to meet; places we would like to go; achievements we would like to accomplish. Dreams are what drive humans to do the things we do; to build, craft, and create.

By Choice Or Obligation

Why are you here? I remember asking this question to a Sunday School class. The answers were genuine for the most part, but many of the students were not their by choice.

Out Of Your Way

When was the last time you when out of your way to pray for a family, pray for a fallen comrade or fellow believer? Everyone in the church seems to have a place to go and things to do and all the while families, husbands and wives are in need of someone that will pray with them. Its easy to pray for someone, how about having someone hear “your voice” praying with them?

Introduction to Animal Totems

Native American traditions upholds that each person is accompanied through life by nine “Power Animals” that provide wisdom and guidance throughout the individual’s life. This is a basic introduction to introduce you to the idea of animal totems and help you to discover your own.

AA Jesus

My name is Colleen and I’m not an alcoholic. A while back I spent time sitting in several gay Alcoholic Anonymous meetings with a new friend. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the love of God for people in such a magnetized way. It was overwhelming. It suffocated any religion in me that wanted to be preachy or give trite bible answers for their big problems.

Sacred Geometry and Light Language

There is a system that will teach you how to read and write light and how to use Sacred Geometry to create. You’ve heard ‘your thoughts create your reality’. You can use Light Language to create your reality consciously.

Love Is The Fulfillment Of God’s Commandment

God commanded his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. In the Old Testament of the Bible, God established a covenant with the children of Israel and gave them a series of commandments to guide them. As they assembled before Him in the wilderness, He gave them a long list of “dos” and “don’ts” that had grievous penalties if disobeyed.

Twin Flames and Soul Mate Relationships

What is the difference between soul mates and twin flames, or is there one? The purpose of a relationship may not be what it seems at the time.

Occult Organics – The New Spiritual Philosophy For The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius is upon us. The Age of Pisces is dying. We need new guidelines. We have them with the Spiritual Philosophy of Occult Organics

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