Yogeshwar Linga Consecration by Sadhguru | 15 Jan 2023

First Chakra Balancing – Symptoms and Benefits

The first chakra, also known as the root chakra or the physical chakra, represents our connection with the Earth. It is located at the end of the spinal cord, the tailbone, and controls the development of bones and muscle strength. The physical chakra represents our physicality, vitality, and our survival instincts. It is related to our nose and feet. The nose represents our animal instincts and the most primitive way to sense the good and the bad and the feet represent the root that holds us to the Earth.

What is the First Chakra?

The first chakra is located at the end of the spinal cord, on the tailbone. It represents our physicality, vitality, and survival instincts. The physical chakra is also known as the root chakra and is considered to be the root that binds us to Mother Earth.

Lying is the Mother of All Evil

Lying is the source of all evils since it gives opportunity for committing evil act. A person who has committed himself to truth can neither lie nor commit any evil in this life.

Christian Blogs Give Wisdom For Gentle Restoration

Restoration is available for those who have been caught in sin as well as for those who have confessed their concealed sins willingly. The Christian blog site provides keen insight into restoring a brother in Christ back into the congregation where he or she can begin once again to grow spiritually and to walk in the life and light offered in Christ.

The Best Book Ever Written

Have you read the Best Selling book of All Time, yet? If you haven’t, you are missing out on the best read ever.

To Live From the Inside Out!

I had an interesting conversation with my son this morning, He just turned eight years old but He is always very curious about the things of the Lord, and he made a comment about us being protected. What I explained to him is that when we have Jesus Christ living within us we have all the protection we need, all we need is to learn to live that new life Jesus has given us, and the only way we can accomplish that is through reading the Bible and through constant prayer; once we know where we stand in Christ we…

Becoming God’s Wildflower on the Rocky Road of Life

Wildflowers–God’s undemanding creation–thrive in infertile soil and blossom to perfection under adverse circumstances. If given a nice little place of their own in a carefully maintained flowerbed, many turn rank and weedy, and produce more leaves than flowers. Wildflower growth is symbolic of Christian life. We blossom best when we allow God to be our Master Gardener. When we experience difficult situations on the rocky road of life, we must look to Him completely.

How to Use Our Sixth Sense in All Circumstances

We all have a sixth sense that is God given to help us cope with any situation and any circumstance that we find ourselves in. Unfortunately not all of us have the will power to follow these instincts because of the wisdom of worldly intelligence. The reality is that our instincts should be the first means of survival under all circumstances and they must be adhered to before worldly wisdom.

When You Want to Know About the Future it is Best to Turn to the Best and Most Accurate Source

There are so many people interested in the future but most will not read the Bible. They want short phrases in horoscopes, rather than long section of God’s holy truth and living Word. Opening yourself to horoscopes can be very dangerous indeed. It can lead to opening yourself to other areas of the occult. 80% of the predictions about the future have already come true. That is four out of five!

What Else Can We Ask For!

So many people both in the ranks of Christianity and in the world miss the point about what it truly means to be a child of God. And the concept itself is self explanatory yet most do not get it. When we speak of God we usually speak in fear or disdain or plain skepticism, when the reality is that what we are called is exactly what we are, children of God.

How to Interpret the Warnings and Encouragements Given to Us by God in the Book of Daniel

There are times when a book in the Word of God really gets into you as you get into it and there is that longing and desire to take from all it that you possibly can. This is certainly not an easy section of the book of Daniel but there are truths there which we can understand if we apply our minds and brains to the text.

Four Perils of Political Correctness That Hinder Spiritual Growth

The essence of true spiritual awareness is not to please man but to worship God. In doing so we are automatically blessed by God to reap the rewards of our faithfulness. The danger in today’s society is to try to please man and worship God at the same time. This can never go hand in hand because the things of God are not necessarily the same of men.

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