Christian Meditation and Weight Loss – Staying on Track
Did you know that most people who lose weight have gained back 75% of it within two years? They gave up all but 25% of the progress they made. It’s that way across age groups, genders, socioeconomic groups. You may have struggled with the same issues yourself.
Five Spiritual Gifts From God That We Often DeclineGifts are presents that we welcome into our lives most of the time. More often than not these presents are very rarely returned to sender and despite the strain that might exist between us and the sender we still endeavor to keep them. In spirituality we also receive gifts from God yet we make it a habit of declining them, some with our approval and others without being aware of what they are.
What is a Spiritual Long Term Investment?Spirituality is misplaced most times for belonging to a particular place, particular time and particular type of person. The fact is without it all other journeys fall short of completion.
Does Life Pay Us Back, And If So, How? Part OneWhat you sow, so shall you reap! Is how we act, what we say and what we do go unnoticed by life? Read to whet your appetite!
Unending Success Redefined Pt 2For every achieved success in life, there is always a positioning. it is right at that position you are that your world will find you. So where are you presently standing today?
Uncle Walter, My MentorEvery one should have an Uncle Walter. He prays for you, loves you, cares for you in so many godly ways. As a mentor there was none better. Read and see if there might be an Uncle Walter in your life too.
New Age Spirituality ConceptsFor most people it is difficult to grasp what the ideas are which purport to be part of the New Age concepts. This is because the sources of these ideas are as diverse as the whole creation itself. This diversity is more difficult to grasp when we try to pin down what the New Age Spirituality concepts are. In this article we get a good grasp of this elusive term New Age Spirituality.
Your Family Guide to Biblical Holidays – Why Christians Need to Pay AttentionIn today’s culture, a family guide to Biblical holidays can be a great resource for Christians. Get started with these helpful questions and answers.
Reiki Helps the Earth After Natural DisastersHow can You help the Earth or areas of disaster? You can send Reiki to the area, including people, plants, animals, minerals, and elements.
Prenuptial Agreements – Are They a Necessity in Today’s Society?God loves marriage and should be the One who orchestrates its path. The world will tells us that we are foolish for not having a prenuptial agreement; but the Word of God tell us to trust Him with the plan and purpose for our lives (Romans 12:2). Prenuptial agreements encourage us to trust in our own knowledge and exemplify a lack of faith in God’s wisdom concerning our future.
Does Reiki Really Work For the Highest Good?Sometimes it may not seem like the Reiki is really working for the highest good of all concerned. It’s easy to trust that the Reiki is working for the highest good when there is recovery or everything goes the way we want it to. But what about those other times?
My Testimony of GodAs a young child I can remember going to church with my grandmother and a few times my parents got involved in church but for the most part I was not raised in church. As I became a teenager I started looking at girls and alcohol and the occasional experiment with drugs. I did go to church a few times around 18 but it was just because my girlfriend’s parents expected me to.