How to Make Every Day a Celebration in 2023? | Sadhguru

Evil in Disguise

Evil in spirituality can sometimes come from the most unlikely sources and those that we would least expect. Strengthening our faith in the Lord naturally results in spiritual attacks to weaken this faith.

Fishers of Men

It is by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ that we first learn of the term ‘fishers of men’. However saying that we are ‘fishers of men’ of God’s word and doing this in reality are two different things. There are certain criteria we must adhere to before we can become fishers of men for God’s kingdom.

Do Not Choose to Remain Lost When You Can Be Found and Forgiven and Know That Safety and Security

Do you remember when the Jules Rimet trophy was lost? Imagine losing such a trophy! Writing as a Christian and a disciple of Jesus Christ, I have studied well what the Bible has to say about being lost and found. We are like that lost trophy in a very real sense.

The ‘Found’ and the Times Lost

Failure becomes us, and often. Despite our better judgment – even to the trilling moment – we find that though we maybe ‘found’ we’re intrepidly lost in the paling madness of momentary life in the world. A second is all it takes. If Jesus is important to you, this article may be important for you.

How to Contact Your Spirit Guides – Anyone Can Do It

Spirit guides are wise spiritual beings that have chosen to guide someone like or I as part of their spiritual advancement or development. Everyone has at least one spirit guide, but the majority of people do not know how to communicate with them and are oblivious to their presence even though their intuition and instincts can often come from their guides. People who have awakened their psychic abilities find it easier to communicate with the guides, but anyone can do the same with a little bit of practice.

Famine of God’s Word

Perhaps we haven’t noticed but our world has not only experienced a drastic change in climatic conditions but also a spiritual change. We have accepted liberalism which is good to an extent. Unfortunately now it places a significant burden in society as it is almost impossible to tell what is wrong or right. Our laws surpass spiritual issues that leave us wondering on which path we belong in life. In some places we are not allowed to correct our children, apparently this could demoralize them and nowadays it is correct for people of the same sex to get married.

Many Certainly Do Not Like Those Occasions When Almighty God Warns Them – I Wonder Why?

Many people do not like God to warn them. Just love me and bless me and look after me and do these things that I so need you to do! Almighty God is not like that, and we had better pay close attention to the God of the Bible and not some idolatrous picture of God that we may have concocted. Let this passage inspire you and motivate you as grow and mature in Christ, because this book was initially written to those who were not growing and not maturing and who were not what God wanted them to be!

Are You Aware That You Have Spirit Guides?

Everyone has spirit guides around them, but few people are able to communicate with them. Learning to communicate with them will give you a sense of peace and knowing and provide you with a spiritual advisor with a great depth of knowledge. Learn what spirit guides are and how you can learn to communicate with them yourself.

Prayer of Faith to Receive God’s Blessing

This Article is about Praying Prayers of Faith. When we pray God’s word it is a Prayer of Faith, God always honors His word and will perform it.

Curse, Hex Or Myth?

Yasmin was down on her luck. She lost her job, a rash appeared on her arm and she was suddenly struck with a recurring pain in the back that seemed to come from nowhere. Yasmin decided to go to a Tarot reader in hope of good news for the future. The Tarot reader started to do the reading and then abruptly stopped…

To God Does ALL the Glory Go?

This is a question of eternal significance for all of us. Not only is the glorification of God – to the glorification of the Son – paramount for us, we’ll not often think of the arduous process in actually getting there. And yet it couldn’t be much simpler.

Does Fear Paralyse You at Times? Jesus Christ Can Help Allay Fears As You Read and Study Hebrews

When we touch something spiritually real the enemy does not like it. Leaders must be aware of this and must know how to deal with it when it arises. Here is dynamic leadership which cannot be improved upon. He is like the Israeli tank commander. He does not say “Advance” or “On you go”. He says “Follow me”. I am going first. You follow me. That is the pattern. Because we have flesh and blood, Jesus came too in the form of flesh and blood, so that he might destroy him who holds the power of death, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Jesus is able to deliver us from the fear of death If we are not free from the fear of death we are potentially slaves.

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