Blessings Given Are Blessings Received!
It is Spirit’s evaluation that when we learn to feel blessed, then many more blessings will come to you. This is a in part the way the universe treats all things. When you do good things, then good things come. Conversely, the opposite is true. Find out more in this article.
Why Aren’t We Closer to God?The best way to tell God that you love him is by doing the things that please Him, obeying His commands, reading His word, talking to others about Him, better yet, being a living testimony of His presence in your life. For many people this is an impossible proposition, in some cases because they do not know God thus they cannot have the ability to express what they know not, in other cases it is simply a matter of carnality, of fear, or ignorance.
Self Development Leading to Self RealizationThe great sages have often told us to ‘Know Thyself’. But what does that really mean? The question about who we are has plagued man for centuries. How does it really fit in our modern life with all the gadgets, toys and stress we live with?
Here is a Key and One of the Secrets to Spiritual Growth Development and MaturityThis is the key and one of the secrets to spiritual growth and development and maturity. As soon as Jesus Christ the good shepherd speaks, those who are his sheep hear his voice and they obey. Jesus Christ speaks and we obey. It is all really quite simple. The good shepherd also knows how healthy the sheep is by the way it eats.
Breathing Inspiration and SerenityToday, Spirit’s focus is on getting all of you to breathe inspiring thoughts of love and happiness. We want to make you feel and expect that this is impervious to all the anger, fears and frustrations. This message is one that will help to ease your concerns.
Let There Be Light! – Being the Light of the World Where You AreLight is perfection. Without God we cannot come close; God is the only One without darkness – the only reliable Source inspiring and motivating works of good faith. This article deals with attracting light into our lives.
Perception Versus ActualityThis message came as a bit of a surprise. Spirit seemed to start with a specific intent, but then changed directions. Of course, it all ended up tying together as they share their thoughts about our perceptions of things as opposed to reality. Read more to understand the premise behind their words.
The Optimization of DesireThere are many more negative references to the field of ‘desire’ in the Bible than there are positive. This we know personally because we all struggle controlling our desire. At the worst extreme is the criminal element that wantonly expose their ravenous desire to an onlooking world prepared to judge and condemn.
The Right Place For Your Soul is Where You Are in the MomentNo matter where you are at any moment, you are in the right place for your soul. Only your actions and reactions to the circumstances around you can dictate the level of contentment you have.
Energy Healing – What to Expect From an Energy Healing Session!Many people go for an energy healing with preconceived ideas as to what the result is going to be for them, and can end up bitterly disappointed when that does not eventuate. Part of the problem may be their unconscious misconception projected onto the healer that, the healer is a miracle worker and that all they have to do, is to lie down and be healed in an instant! If you are going to go for a session, you need to take responsibility for your own healing.
Why Do Christians Need 40 Days or 40 Years in the Wilderness?For most of us, our interpretation of coming to God means being saved from our world and a promise for eternal life. This is true, but eternal life, like any other, requires us to live in a certain way with God’s guidance.
Viewing Metaphysical Movies For Raising ConsciousnessLet’s be honest, it can be quite a challenge to find good television programming these days. Fortunately, you do have a choice, and if you are concerned about raising consciousness, viewing metaphysical movies is a good way to keep yourself entertained and spiritually centered at the same time.