The Effect of Alcohol on Awakening | Eckhart Tolle Explains

Do You Believe in Science Or the God That Created Science?

You might think that God and science conflict with each other. I did at one time, but I’ve learned the truth. Religion can sometimes muddle the truth, and try to conflict with science. However, if you are seeking the truth with a blank slate and an open mind…

Attitude of Gratitude a Universal Law by Giving More Abundance, and Prosperity Develops For Us All

Spiritual connections between Attitude of Gratitude and Personal Performance Coaching exist. I believe all thoughts, all actions are connected. True spirituality of the inner self is part of an attitude of gratitude, thus personal performance begins with self and expressing genuine heartfelt appreciation of the good and all that we do have, which in turn does wonders for the morale, it lifts the mood, aligns our thought processes, empowers the inner core and amazingly boosts our immune system with endorphins known as the natural happy drug giving a sense of euphoria. Yet sometimes we can focus on what we lack, allowing our negative emotions to get the better of us. It’s so easy to compare ourselves with other peoples’ lifestyles appearing to have more.

Prayer – Getting My Way

This common model for conversation with God envisions Him as a cosmic vending machine. You choose the preferred product, put in the right payment, turn the handle, and expect Him to produce the right result. And when God meets your expectations, you say thanks. Frankly, the whole thing seemed a bit pointless to me, since He already knows my wants and needs anyway. It felt a little superficial, like I was reading the lines of a script because I was expected to read them. Prayer seemed like an exercise, a sort of false piety intended mostly to say the right words and ultimately get what we want from God.

How To Lose Your Joy

Do you like being miserable and defeated? Stupid question, of course no one in their right mind likes misery and defeat. Are you aware you are in a war, a spiritual war?

Proof That God Wrote the Holy Bible

When most of us first come to God we often wonder how it is possible that God wrote the Holy Bible. None of us has seen God and the bible clearly teaches us that God is a spirit yet we are asked to believe that God wrote the bible.

Where is God in Your Silence?

Just about every Christian – as they walk with God – detects at some point the heat die off the trail, with God nowhere to be found. Why this happens we do not know. BUT, there is still a solution!

Do Current World Events Signal the Return of Jesus?

In the months and years after Jesus’ ascension into Heaven, many of His followers were watching for His return. Before he left he promised them, (John 14:3) “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” Again in Matthew 24:36-39 He says, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Yet today many things are happening in the world, the weather, and the hearts of men that make believers in Christ wonder if maybe there’s some truth in the belief of a soon-to-happen second coming.

Native American Astrology

“We need to find and self-activate universal wisdom, by remembering and acknowledging that we are magical and universal human beings.”-Samantha Britt Williams. This article will help to introduce you to the way Native Americans interact spiritually with the earth, and with all the living things that live on earth. They honor the connection between us all whether we walk on two legs or four and offer ways to connect more deeply to the world around you in both an energetic and a spiritual sense.

How to Know I Have Found God’s Will For My Life

The most common question a believer asks when either searching for Mr and Mrs Right is ‘How do I know God’s will for my life’. This insightful article will help to answer this important question.

Do You Have an Important Message to Share?

I don’t know if you have the messenger life purpose or the messenger gift marking, but let’s say for a moment that you do. What would be your message to the world?

How the Spirit Leads Us to a Deeper Experience of Prayer

The Spirit of God is the one in charge of our spiritual development. He does this to form the real Christ in us. He forms the real Christ in us by leading us to a deeper experience of prayer, to a personal, profound understanding of the written word of God, and to an attentive and obedient listening to vigorous, urgent, life-changing preaching.

What Does Being Married to God Mean?

In the bible marriage is explained to us in the words, ‘Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.’ To add to this the bible also teaches us of how this can be interpreted in our spiritual marriage to God by the words, ‘But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.’

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