Dancing Your Body Temple
A temple is a structure reserved for spiritual activities; such as prayer and the worship of a divinity. Often seen as the dwelling place of the Divine, a temple provides sacred containment for reverence, devotion, and connecting one’s soul to Spirit.
2012 Alignment of Earth – Doomsday in Your Lifetime?The year 2012 has been hot talk for quite a while now. There are a decent number of people living on this planet Earth who are really interested to know more about what may take place in the year 2012.
Hatred and Anger – The Anti-Happiness EmotionsYour happiness in life will be greatly enhanced when you learn to dismiss the anger and hatred you may have. Whether it is geared towards a person or event, it only serves to slow your path to love and vitality. Read Spirit’s thoughts on this topic in this article.
2012 and the Bible CodeToday, what a lot of people have been talking about from time to time often turns out to be the year 2012 and what it may cause or bring to the course of the human race which is in existence on the Planet Earth today. They often talk about whether or not that doomsday is quite likely to take place in the year 2012. However, there is some connection between the year 2012 and the Bible code.
What the Bible Says About DebtIn the face of a constant barrage of worldly advice urging us to use debt to get ahead, Christians need to carefully study what the Bible has to say about the subject. Though Gods Word is certainly not a financial textbook, it does offer clear guidelines we can apply to our financial situations. Following are some of the scriptural principles regarding debt.
Anger Can Disrupt a Loving Pattern of LifeIn this article, Spirit shares their ideas about how anger and uncontrolled emotions can change our life. Take some time to enjoy this message and learn how your actions and reactions to things can alter you path to happiness.
Recognizing an Air SignThe following are a list of zodiac signs that come from the element air, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra. I will show you how to spot these air signs in an instant.
5 Ways the Elemental Forces Want to Help You Thrive in Times of ChangeThe elemental forces of creation (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit, which flows through them) are the most accessible energies from which I have ever received guidance. When honored as the profound teachers and guides they are, they readily bring assistance and clarity to anyone who respectfully seeks answers.
A Minister of Music After God’s Own HeartDavid, the sweet psalmist, is identified for many of his common characteristics. Many look to David’s musical and poetic ability to inspire a nation toward God. Looking to his literature, David’s writings are established among the unique books in Psalms motivating encouragement for those that trust in God and seek Him for direction for times of distress.
Keys to Wellness – Spiritual Therapy, Self-Recovery and Life ImprovementAfter life times and life times of being lost in ego land, drowned in the abyss of unconscious patterns, the soul re-emerges. The urge for self-recovery becomes a craving that one cannot resist anymore. One starts to seek healing and is ready for a spiritual therapy that will end the long-lived denial of truth and allow Self to resurge!
Jesus, Sticks, and StonesSticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. Really? I think that innocent childhood adage should be revised. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words… can break my heart. Broken bones will mend, but surgery can’t heal a broken heart.
Asking God the Right QuestionsI find that many people are surprised by the notion that faith and uncertainty can coexist. I think we sometimes imply that people of true faith don’t have questions. This false message squelches the expression of honest questions and creates significant guilt.