15-Minute Healing Meditation. Self-Love & Acceptance Mindfulness Meditation 528Hz.

Best Bible Verses For Encouragement

Reading bible verses for encouragement is a great way for Christians to get through tough times. Unfortunately though, many Christians find themselves flicking through the bible aimlessly under such circumstances, not knowing which verses in particular are applicable to their current situation. Fortunately, there are some lesser known verses that have been known to provide Christians with great motivation and inspiration under a broad range of situations.

One Hour With the Bible Changes Everything

Like everyone I have my own personal daily struggles, in this article I reveal how my personal daily Bible devotion has changed everything for me. Let me start by saying that I am and have been a committed Christian for the last twenty years. So it will probably no surprise to hear me say that I do read the Bible on a regular basis.

5 Tips For Better Meditation

Effective meditation requires your discipline. Follow these 5 tips to become a better meditator.

Your Focus on Physical Health

There is a spiritual component to all human health issues. In this article, Spirit speaks about their ideas and concepts that will help all people feel better. Read more and you will be able to relate to the information.

A Confession Prayer – Medicine For the Soul

Sin separates us from God and will not allow Him to acknowledge our requests or concerns (Psalm 66:18). We should take every opportunity to acknowledge our offenses and remain in His will. God has stated in His Word that all men have sinned and fallen short of His Glory (Romans 3:23).

What is Your Biggest Fear?

Trust and listen with your heart as well as your ears, GOD has given you all that you need to go forward in the abundance put in your path. When you train your brain and believe that the choice to go forward are your. Then your fears become smaller and smaller until they are memories of a person who you once were and how you have grown, educated and confidence ready enjoy the abundant life GOD has always planed for us.

All Christians Are Hypocrites

Christianity takes a beating sometimes for the idea that all Christians are hypocrites. The expression goes, “How can they go to church and pretend to be all that good, and then leave the building and go do those horrible things?” Or, “If God is all that wonderful, then why do those people still have bad things happen to them?” While there are easy answers to those questions, they aren’t really the questions that matter.

ID Please, in DC

What’s Your Predominant Identification? Essence or Form… If you want to really experience the miraculous Life, keep the rational linear mind in suspension while identifying fully with the creative Field of the Wholographic Universe.

Finding Spirituality in Natural Places

Nature is an important place to be in for finding spirituality. If you’re feeling a lot or a little emptiness in your life you may need to feed your spiritual side a bit more and any kind of natural setting will help you with that.

Kingdom Value, 4 Kingdom Keys to Pursuing Meaningful and Joyful Living

Don’t come to the end of your day or life wondering, “Was it worthwhile? Did what I do count.” Learn four keys to living a life worth living by focusing on what has eternal or “kingdom value”. Making these keys a regular part of preparing your to-do list can ensure that each day is a day full of both meaning and joy, not just for you, but to God and those around you as well.

How to Survive As Christians Amongst Atheists

The most important aspect for all Christians surviving amongst Atheists is to understand that this is not a physical fight between two people but a spiritual fight. A majority of the time the Atheist is not trying to convince the Christian not to believe in God, they are trying to convince themselves not to believe in God.

Intentional Controversy

It’s a fundamental staple of journalism – bad news sells. Everyone says they want to hear more good news, but objective data tell a different story. Audiences gravitate to controversy, crime, and crashes.

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