Black Screen MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS! Reprogram Your Mind While You Sleep BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! WORTHY

Clearing Specks and Confronting Planks

I speak and write a lot about grace and forgiveness. In discussions following my talks I often encounter a question that goes something like, “When someone does wrong are you claiming we should just ignore it?”

Insight Meditation – How to Avoid Common Pitfalls and Get Results

Insight meditation can be a powerful tool for deepening spirituality, solving problems and developing strategic insights into one’s life. Insight meditation offers a popular way to illicit changes in awareness and self-understanding while lowering stress and enhancing a sense of happiness and joy. It can help you to blaze a path to success and happiness, especially if you learn to avoid the common pitfalls.

Is Your Worship Routine Or Real?

Are you going through the motions of worship. Have you prepared for worship properly?

Holes in Your Soul

Is there a longing in your soul? An emptiness that cannot be filled? God draws us to Himself so that He can fill those empty places.

Divine Narcissism – Definitive Obligatory Pretense

We, as a society, need to be praised and admired. As cheap, counterfeit and counterproductive as that may be, we thrive off the glorified projections of importance the over inflated emotions produce. WE crave attention, appreciation and respect.

Where Are You Going For Easter?

“Do you have anywhere to go for Easter?” Yes. I’m going to the empty tomb, to set aside the sadness and guilt and horror of the cross. I’m going to answer the angel’s challenge to me by recalling the rest of his proclamation: He is not here; he has risen!

Healing What Haunts Us the Most

Most of us have some form of regrets. Yet it is not the regrets that haunt us as much as guilt haunts us. Find out why the things that haunt you the most, haunt you, and what you might be able to do about it.

Spiritual Healing – The Healing Friends of Amma the Divine Mother

If you are aware of or familiar with a spiritual world, you know there are a number of spiritual energies “on the other side” who assist you in your daily life. Often these are referred to as Angels and Guides. There are other non-physical beings who are available to assist you in many areas of your life. They are not “angels” or “guides.” They are spiritual assistants.

Three Simple Steps to Solve Our Daily and Our Larger Problems

How can we solve the small challenges in our daily lives while not ignoring larger problems in our nation and the world? The answers are surprisingly simple and involve a higher, or spiritual, view of life as well as a more detailed one: Understand the need to advance in order to survive. � Accept that chaos is part of our lives.

Whose Glory is it If a Woman Covers Her Hair in Church?

Some Churches over emphasize on a part or portion of the Bible, neglecting or not focusing on the other parts in the appropriate measure they ought to. In fact, others misconstrue the practical or contextual meanings of some portions of the Bible. There are several illustrations in this situation, but we can discuss just one of them, which is the issue of covering of hair by the women.

Easter – Where’d He Go?

Easter is a strange holiday. For a single weekend, churches bulged with beautifully dressed worshippers. “HE IS RISEN” reverberated through the rafters. Good Friday and Happy Easter permeated the Internet. An observer might have concluded that our entire culture centers on Jesus’ resurrection. But an odd thing happened. Monday arrived, and Easter apparently became one more family holiday memory.

Spiritual Sense That is Not Wisdom

In everything that we do in life we must learn to find the balance. Even for the simplest of things in our every day existence such as food, exercise and work there has to be a balance in how we operate. Too much or too little of any of these would be disastrous.

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