POWERFUL VISUALIZATION! Positive Affirmations with Jazz Chillhop Music to ATTRACT LOVE & REPROGRAM

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Often a learning experience, and many times a source of comfort, memory lane is a road in need of our constant travel. Will you travel there today?

Early in the Day!

For the most part, the culture here in the United States has changed drastically. With the advent of the working in shifts people have different sleep patterns. Whereas it was commonplace, at one time, for people to go to bed with the sun and rise with the chickens, now people are programmed by their alarm clock.

The Extremes of Grace and Truth!

Some are hot and others are cold; most would settle to be lukewarm. In our walk with God, one needs to be balanced in how we live and interact with others. Some are all truth and no grace, while others are all grace and no truth. We must be full of GRACE AND TRUTH!

Steps in How to Lessen the Ego

What you think you want and what your spirit wants are usually going to be at odds with one another. I will share in this post what your spirit wants and how to access this at any given moment.

Living in a Glass House!

It is difficult to deal with public criticism, especially from church family. Often spiritual leaders feel as though they live in a glass house. After a while, this gets wearisome.

When the Going Gets Tough – Persevere

Perseverance means taking the pain that comes to attain the victory. When we fail or stop in any pursuit, it affects us as well as those that watch us. Perseverance reveals the truth about a situation, people, and God.

Breath Prayer and Guided Meditation Help Abuse Survivors

Survivors typically experience feelings of terror and being overwhelmed. Many experience flashbacks. I find that guided meditation and having a breath prayer helps to reduce anxiety and to center individuals suffering from trauma.

The Power of Now – Going Beyond Identity Part 2

In the power of now part 2 we start where we left off. In this series, we are attempting to use form in the use of words to go beyond form. We use the mind to go beyond the mind.

Faith & Commerce – Why Some Economies Thrive While Others Fail

The biggest value and virtue that you must develop to become successful is becoming a person of faith. Become a person of faith. Become a person who inspires faith. Become a person who believes in others and the potential of others.

Lesson From the Birds

I started feeding, or putting out birdseed for birds to eat in my garden, knowing four new born sparrows without back winged tails might need some nourishment to grow strong and healthy in, they were born in my house garden, free to come and go, there is no top to it, nor do I clip their wings. The garden I have is a house type garden, and has dense foliage, as well as high greenery. These small brown looking sparrow developed from the eggs…

Three Steps to Finding a New Life With New Parents

This article contains the three steps we can take to find new life with a new set of parents. It may take time, but it is worth the time, waiting and effort.

The Effects of Energy

Are we all totally aware of our own energy, and our own thoughts? Do we really know the power of this, and what it can do to someone? Sometimes people claim to know all about energy, how it works, how to release and renew it, are still in their own illusion.

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