Holistic Healing Focused on Love
There are many areas that pertain to our well being. The spiritual aspect of unconditional love is major, but it is not all.
My Second Step to Harvest Life GracefullyMy second step to harvest life gracefully is to develop a close personal relationship with the higher power. My higher power is the traditional God.
Trusting in GodTo every person God is different. For some people there is no God simply because they don’t believe. But for believers there definitely is a God, and that God has a different meaning and purpose to each and every individual. I believe that God has a purpose for some of us taking longer to find him than others, almost like a mission that we need to complete before we are equipped enough to know God.
Not AfraidMany of us are currently so ensnared by the grip of regret; some sort of fear-based, guilt-ridden, I did it again-type way of seeing our situation, that this “grip” has us literally immobilized. I want you to say to that Beloved, “I am not afraid!”
When Strength Becomes a WeaknessGod does not put square pegs into round holes. He knows what His church needs and He knows where you fit.
It Can Be Wicked People Who Want to Punish Others the Most As is Revealed in This ScenarioA woman is caught in the very act of adultery in this amazing scenario which has so much to teach us regarding this common misbehaviour which causes so much anxiety and pain. They were using this woman for their own purposes, which was none other than spiritual adultery. They were going to use her as bait to trap Jesus.
Feel Rejoice in Yourself!Being rejoiceful is a trigger for further happiness. Use the connection between God and yourself to enhance it. This brief article shares some of Spirit’s thoughts on the subject.
How to See the Light in Other PeopleSeeing the good in others is a quality that not many people have. This will show you how to see the good in other people in a successful way.
Being Eternally PatientPatience is NOT such a hard thing. After reading this above passage from the “strawy” James (5:7-8), we might imagine an atheist laughing away at us, the believer, who’s ‘Lord hasn’t come yet.’
A Response to an AtheistThere was a recent article by Anne Iredale in Looking For Clues. In the article, ‘Jesus Christ-The Man, The Message’ Anne, as a self confessed atheist, seems to ask more questions than she answers. That was the idea I suppose, to provoke thought and maybe comment. However, it is interesting, in reading the article, to find a real lack of understanding of Christianity and what it is all about.
The Repetition of the Cycle of Spiritual DevelopmentThis article discusses the increase in the number of persons who have been spiritually developed. As this happens, some problems appear.
The Power of Now – Going Beyond Identity Part 1Many people talk about The Power of Now, especially after Eckhart Tolle wrote his famous book. However, a lot of people have never been able to fully understand the HOW of entering the power of NOW that Eckhart talked about. In this article, we begin a journey into the depths of WHO we are.